New District 9 Trailer to debut before Bruno! Nick Butler, July 3, 2009July 4, 2009 That’s right, a new District 9 trailer is set to debut next week before the comedy ‘Bruno’ (this after the teaser without subtitles aired before ‘Year One’). This will be the second trailer (third if you count the first on with subtitles and the first one without subtitles as different trailers). got a sneak-peak of the new trailer and I must say, it sounds pretty awesome.The new trailer is said to be “much more action packed than the original teaser”. It gets a little more in-depth to the plot, as well as more action scenes. I recommend you check out the entire article, but here’s a quick excerpt:– A human inside some kind of robotic suit. Kind of like IRON MAN meet Ripley’s Power Loader from ALIENS. – Alien slaps a clipboard out of two government workers hands. – An alien throws a government worker against some trash cans. – That same suit and tie guy (SATG) thrashing on a medical table while some military guys try to hold him down. – The robotic suit (it’s unclear if it’s a robot or human in the suit) makes a huge jump. – “Find that freak.” – SATG strapped upright to a table in what looks to be a helicopter. He has electrode pads all over his chest and head. He’s screaming. A close-up of his clenched fist (something metal attached to his wrist. While not said, it seems implied he might be in the middle of some kind of transformation.) – That giant robot suit looking menacing. – A pick-up truck smashes full speed into the robot suit. – More action between robot suit, military forces and some cars. Robot suit is jumping and shooting. Big explosion. – A soldier fires a rocket at an alien ship in the distance. Robot suit reaches up and deflects it. – SATG lying in a decontaminate bag looking sickly. – “It’s gonna be quick” – An alien making a giant leap as soldiers try to track him. – “it’s gonna be clean” – SATG holding on to what seems to be an alien weapon, fires it at a human soldier. Looks like more of a pulse weapon than anything ballistic. – An explosion at a government building – “it’s gonna be quiet.”Sounds pretty awesome to me! The only question I have is . . . why didn’t we get to screen it too?Source: JoBlo.comPosted by Nick Butler, follow him on Twitter. New to the site? Check out the About Us page. Register at the forum, which is located at Viral Marketing District 9
Play Another “Man of Steel” Online Game: “Hero’s Flight” June 6, 2013Briefly: Just a couple of weeks ago, the Man of Steel website had an online game called Metropolis Mayhem. Now, the site is back with a new game called Hero’s Flight, which just changes the perspective, but has a similar concept. Take control of Superman, and fly through the city,… Read More
The Union Needs You: Repo Men Required February 22, 2010If you have been following the Repo Men viral, you’ll know that Wired held an open application for runners to go undercover and evade the Repo Men for one month to win a cash prize of $7,500. The runners have now been selected and there are only 2 days left… Read More
Failed Times Square Car Bomb Linked to South Park? May 3, 2010May 3, 2010By now you have probably heard about the car bomb found in New York City’s Time Square that failed to detonate correctly due to faulty wiring. While the perpetrators of the terrorist attempt are unknown, there is a surprising connection to South Park. Find out the details after the break. Read More
In front of Bruno isn’t so much interesting as it is smart considering how many people will go to that movie.
They really dont have choice in the matter as Bruno is most likely the bigger movie opening the weekend of July 10th. And if its not attached then we probably could see it before Harry Potter as well. Well I hope anyway. Thats REAL exposure right there. Fuckin Sony and their crappy marketing this summer. =/