Funny People Randy Documentary Dan Koelsch, July 13, 2009April 3, 2010 As many of you know, Funny People has a pretty extensive viral campaign in the works. Check out our in-depth analysis to catch up. What’s turning out to the favorite of the bunch is the viral for Randy, Aziz Asanri’s vulgar character. He has a documentary featured on about his rise to fame. So far only Part 1 is uploaded, so I look forward to Part 2. Check out the video, embedded below. Raaaaaaaandy – Part 1 (Funny People) from Aziz Ansari This is the first time I even noticed the character has a MySpace, so check that out. Funny People, directed by Judd Apatow and starring Adam Sandler, opens July 31st. See our section on the film’s viral to see even more funny material. Viral Marketing Funny PeopleRandy
2013 in Movies: How They Really Stack Up (Infographic) January 1, 2014How do the movies of 2013 really stack up? Join MusicMagpie as they explore the big screen hits and misses from the past year, including a closer look at the highest grossing films compared to the highest production budgets, the highest paid actors and actresses of 2013, and the movies… Read More
MovieViral Is Looking For Writers! February 13, 2013Do you love movies, ARGs, viral videos, and writing? Then you might be the man or woman we are looking for! We at MovieViral are reaching out to find a few more writers to help fill our website with great content on a consistent basis. Learn more after the break! Read More
Care To Write A Story With Tim Burton? November 24, 2010No, you read that correctly. Tim Burton is writing a story, and you can easily help him via Twitter. We’ve all gotten together in a group and told stories, and we’ve all played games where we add to each others, and not one of those stories was ever started by… Read More