Sony Goes Back to the Future for District 9 Nick Butler, July 14, 2009July 14, 2009 In a stunning new blog post on, Christopher (or George, the non-human) posts his newest entry . . . from the future! This newest post talks of MNU’s involvement in other slave-like-labor activities all around the globe. Whether or not the August 7th post was released before it was supposed to be or if they just got the date wrong is yet to be seen. Knowing Sony, the date will be changed soon like this possible mistake never happened.In any case, this new post isn’t that stunning on what it reveals. We really don’t learn anything that couldn’t haveย been guessed about MNU. I do like Sony’s efforts to post weekly or bi-weekly blog entries, but at least try to get the date right.Tell us what you think: Is this another Sony mistake? Or is District 9 going back to the future?Posted by Nick Butler, follow him on Twitter. New to the site? Check out the About Us page. Register at the forum, which is located at Viral Marketing District 9
Social Network News: ‘Dylan Dog’ and ‘Warrior’ March 19, 2011March 20, 2011We have two brief updates on films in respect to social networks. Dylan Dog: Dead of Night now has a Facebook page and YouTube page. Also, Lionsgate debuted two posters for Warrior on Facebook. Read More
Star Trek Viral Campaign Explained in 4 Minutes May 14, 2009April 7, 2010Confused by the Star Trek viral campaign that ended when the film came out this weekend? You’re not the only one (read: me). Here’s a great video that sums up the ARG in 4 minutes. Read More
Check Out This Real Life Jarvis From Iron Man April 7, 2010April 7, 2010The Boston Globe has a story about a 27 year old tech support worker named Chad Barraford who created a “digital life assistant”. What’s interesting about the story is that the assistant is a computer program that communicates with Chad and is integrated with his home, similar to the JARVIS… Read More
Only Poleepkwa can use Poleepkwa technology, and that’s why Wikkus can use them. If only non-humans can use their technology how could they harvest it? Same thing with the non-humans being asexual yet have families and oppisite sex names. Doesn’t really come together.
The only thing I can think of is some Non Humans are helping them, or they’re forcing Non Humans to help them.
It’s smart in the sense that they know just how to cater to the public. Even people who don’t like what Sony is doing, still find themselves attracted to the notion of the unknown. Look at all the discussions going on across the internet, people are just eating this up. It’s total eye candy.I’m not gonna lie, I love it. And I love the schemes companies try to pull on us. ๐
Or they totally screwed up the date ๐Who knows. We’ll find out soon, I guess. I think they’d edit it once they caught the mistake.
You guys are aware that this is an ARG right? Its really the only explanation…Wiki search “The Beast ARG”.It will blaze a brilliant light on the fragile shadow of ignorance : )
Barely ignorance.Sony has made a few blunders, but I still don’t rule out the possibility of this being part of the ARG.