Mobile Communication Slow To Go Viral Alex Gerage, November 20, 2009 Have you ever wondered why so few viral marketing campaigns ever go mobile? Granted, The Dark Knight did a good job using mobile communication to send out automated phone calls that supplemented the online viral, but few films have taken advantage of the opportunities that the medium provides. Well, Nancy Gohring of PCWorld offers an interesting breakdown that highlights why mobile communication has such trouble accommodating to viral marketing. Gohring argues that viral marketing has not taken off in the medium because the mobile communication industry is not homogeneously structured. There are multiple carriers and brands that provide unique services and opportunities designed to court customers. In many ways, the goal of cell phone companies is to set themselves apart from the competition in terms of price, quality, and offerings as greatly as possible. How does one craft a message for the masses then when a multitude of software and applications are used to receive it? Mobile communication does not function like the internet, where word of mouth can easily spread across social networks or email because everyone has an email address or Facebook profile and there are few limitations to communication. It seems cell phone users though have one of a kind plans that make them incompatible with others. This makes virals are too difficult to pass along without a tremendous amount of planning and capital by content creators for a return that is not worthwhile. To me, incorporating mobile communication is pivotal for the future of viral campaigns. In many ways, the medium is better suited for this marketing than the internet. Mobile viral campaigns can grow and react instantaneously because of the immediacy of the medium. Nohring’s piece though shows the current compatibility amongst mobile brands does not allow for this phenomenon to thrive. In addition, problems also emerge when considering that films often have promotional tie-ins with a single mobile service producer for non-viral promotions. How can a film studio employ a multi-carrier campaign while at the same time honor exclusive agreements with a single brand? I imagine that as the internet becomes a more primary feature on mobile phones, brand communication will be more in sync, much in the same way different computer brands are able to coexist with the same software. Hopefully that leaves us with better virals. Be sure to leave some thoughts below if you wish to chime in! Viral Marketing
See Blueprint of “X-Men: Days of Future Past” Sentinels Head August 14, 2013The Twitter account for next May’s X-Men: Days of Future Past has been posting some cool content lately, and yesterday they tweeted out a sketched blueprint of the head of a Sentinel, the large robots in the future that protect humans from mutants. Take a look after the break. Read More
Watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Full Trailer March 11, 2010You’ve waited for it, and here it is. The first trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse has finally premiered online at Yahoo. Yesterday’s 10 second preview of the teaser already has almost 3 million views on YouTube, so I expect the full thing to be even more popular. You can… Read More
Special Tron-Inspired Covers To Debut For Upcoming Marvel Comics October 19, 2010October 19, 2010While the big Disney/Marvel news this week may have been the official announcement of Disney taking over distribution of Marvel films from Paramount, we are seeing other ways in which Disney’s new ownership of the comics brand is taking effect. Disney is promoting its upcoming Tron Legacy by changing some… Read More
I see a delay in mobile viral due to one, it costs the user to receive such viral, and two, marketing bases itself on such a visual effect, that a simple text may not get the message across. The mobile platform is there if they use it correctly.
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