Comic-Con: ‘2012’ Viral during Comic-Con ’09 Nick Butler, July 17, 2009June 6, 2010 Soren Ulfert, Communications Director a the Institution for Human Continuity, updated his Twitter saying:Will you be at Comic-Con? The IHC is running a special event to select a few IHC Ambassadors. Follow us @TheIHC for updates.This is the second confirmed viral that will take place during Comic-Con, the other being ‘9‘. It will be interesting how they chose these Ambassadors. I’m guessing some sort of package (fan pack or viral pack) will be given to the ‘winners’.I envy everyone attending this year and anyone attending Comic-Con feel free to email us news throughout the day regarding any viral movies to us what you think: What are you looking forward to during Comic-Con 2009 in San Diego? Posted by Nick Butler, follow him on Twitter. New to the site? Check out the About Us page. Register at the forum, which is located at Comic-Con Events Viral Marketing 2012Comic-Con
New ‘Office’ Webisodes to Premiere October 21st October 4, 2010Many fans of The Office will argue that one of the highlights of last season had nothing to do with the show’s televised episodes, but rather The Office webisode titled “Subtle Sexuality.” The hilarious music video and subsequent viral campaign promoting it featured some of the show’s minor characters that… Read More
Rocket Poppeteers Tweets Comic-Con Updates July 23, 2010October 18, 2010One of the things that Dan had mentioned he missed while in the streets of San Diego, was an ice cream truck belonging to Rocketpoppeteers. Well, with the help of a new Twitter account, you don’t have to miss them again. In addition to listing out their stops, they have… Read More
2012: Satnam Responds in Code October 22, 2009As we reported earlier, Soren Ulfert is on the run from the powerful IHC, but must still have his laptop, because he got a response from his friend Dr. Satnam Tsurutani, who he reached out to last week. Satnam works at the IHC, and Soren believes he has inside information… Read More