Funny People Randy Documentary Dan Koelsch, July 13, 2009April 3, 2010 As many of you know, Funny People has a pretty extensive viral campaign in the works. Check out our in-depth analysis to catch up. What’s turning out to the favorite of the bunch is the viral for Randy, Aziz Asanri’s vulgar character. He has a documentary featured on about his rise to fame. So far only Part 1 is uploaded, so I look forward to Part 2. Check out the video, embedded below. Raaaaaaaandy – Part 1 (Funny People) from Aziz Ansari This is the first time I even noticed the character has a MySpace, so check that out. Funny People, directed by Judd Apatow and starring Adam Sandler, opens July 31st. See our section on the film’s viral to see even more funny material. Viral Marketing Funny PeopleRandy
Fan-Made War Machine Suit Part 2 March 10, 2010March 10, 2010Back in January, I was on the SuperHeroHype Iron Man 2 boards when a user called “Masterle247” debuted his first attempt at the War Machine suit featured in the upcoming Marvel Studios movie Iron Man 2. This suit grabbed the attention of Iron Man and Iron Man 2 director Jon… Read More
Catch Up on “H+” With New and Annotated Episodes September 3, 2012September 3, 2012If you’ve been watching Bryan Singer’s web series H+, you might be a little confused by its non-linear structure. Fortunately, the makers behind the series are aware of this dilemma, so they have started re-uploading episodes with annotations to help you piece the story together. The episodes are not embeddable… Read More
Apollo 18: New Documents Revealed August 21, 2011Two weeks ago the Apollo 18 viral campaign started back up, and now we have three new documents that seem to be innocuous, but since one looks to be in Russian, we can’t be sure. Check out the updates for the lunar thriller after the break. Read More