Funny People Randy Documentary Dan Koelsch, July 13, 2009April 3, 2010 As many of you know, Funny People has a pretty extensive viral campaign in the works. Check out our in-depth analysis to catch up. What’s turning out to the favorite of the bunch is the viral for Randy, Aziz Asanri’s vulgar character. He has a documentary featured on about his rise to fame. So far only Part 1 is uploaded, so I look forward to Part 2. Check out the video, embedded below. Raaaaaaaandy – Part 1 (Funny People) from Aziz Ansari This is the first time I even noticed the character has a MySpace, so check that out. Funny People, directed by Judd Apatow and starring Adam Sandler, opens July 31st. See our section on the film’s viral to see even more funny material. Viral Marketing Funny PeopleRandy
Play Another “Man of Steel” Online Game: “Hero’s Flight” June 6, 2013Briefly: Just a couple of weeks ago, the Man of Steel website had an online game called Metropolis Mayhem. Now, the site is back with a new game called Hero’s Flight, which just changes the perspective, but has a similar concept. Take control of Superman, and fly through the city,… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Solve Equation On “Let Me In” Viral Site To Get Prize September 9, 2010October 18, 2011The viral site has been a treasure trove of fun for Overture’s Let Me In. We’ve seen morse code, riddles, and puzzles, and now we have math. Using the numbered objects around the creepy room shown on the main page, can you solve the equation on the chalkboard to… Read More
“The Muppets” Want to Wish You a Happy Halloween October 31, 2011November 23, 2011The Muppets’ latest trailer may have been the final parody trailer, but it isn’t necessarily the last we will be seeing of the parody campaign. To commemorate Halloween, the studio has sent us an exclusive Halloween card from The Muppets featuring Ms. Piggy, Kermit the Frog, and Rizzo the Rat… Read More