There’s only one word to describe the excitement that District 9 has created over the last week: amazing. This movie has gone from nothing to one of the most anticipated movies of the summer.
But now for the news. “T-Meter,” which takes into account all the positive and negative reviews for a movie (by critics), is currently at 100% for District 9. That means there hasn’t been one bad review for District 9, out of the reviews Rotten Tomatoes has picked up (currently 13 reviews). So that’s great news.
Also, there are three new clips of District 9 which you should check out. The first and most exciting entitled “First Contact” on Yahoo, which you can check out here. Unfortunately it can’t be embedded it yet.
The last two are quick 30 second TV spots. I really like the first one, check them out below:
You can discuss District 9 and all the other movie viral campaigns at the official community.
Thanks to Robby from the forum and our staff writer Scott for the tips.
just saw district 9 ….this movie is off the ****ing hook..graffics are awesome and so is the storyline ..worth the 8 bucks
This film is going to be grrrreeeeeaaaaaat!