Sesame Street Takes “On” Old Spice Guy Dan Koelsch, October 9, 2010 Between the Muppet viral videos and Sesame Street’s YouTube page, Jim Henson’s legacy continues to stay modern. Despite a controversial Katy Perry video, Sesame Street isn’t backing away from pop culture now, as Grover talks about the word “on” while imitating the Old Spice Guy commercials that have become their own meme. Watch the video after the break. This is one of the funniest clips I’ve ever seen of Sesame Street, and Grover’s last line and the look on his face are priceless. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Old SpiceSesame StreetThe MuppetsViral video
TRON: Legacy Viral Has New Image and Flynn Audio and Notes November 18, 2010November 18, 2010For those that have been following the TRON: Legacy viral campaign, you will recall we posted about the Arcade Aid challenge being updated with a bigger portion of the map for gamers to complete. Gamers that completed this challenge received a pretty good prize which entailed two of four pins… Read More
News No More Viral: NBC and Conan Agree on Departure January 21, 2010September 23, 2024News outlets are reporting that NBC and Conan O’Brien have finally struck a deal for Conan’s departure. Conan would not agree to move to 12:00am after NBC decided to cancel Jay Leno’s 10pm show and move Jay up to 11:30pm. While most of the details of the deal are not… Read More
New District 9 Poster and Earlier Trailer Debut July 6, 2009July 6, 2009The film blogs are smitten with the new District 9 poster that Sony debuted today on Yahoo. It has what everyone wanted – bigger ship, smaller sign, and no purple sky. I don’t think it’s a big deal, personally, but I do agree it’s an upgrade. Some more good news… Read More
My wife commented that she wondered what Old Spice thought of this. I said, “Sesame Street does what Sesame Street wants to do. Everyone else just goes with it.”