District 9 Viral: New MNU Spreads Lies Video Dan Koelsch, August 13, 2009 Christopher of MNUSpreadsLies.com has a new blog with a video of a woman saying we should treat the non-humans with respect because they haven’t done anything to us. With the film opening up tomorrow (and select screenings tonight at midnight), there are sure to be some last minute viral updates in the next 24-48 hours. We’ll stay on top of any concluding viral stories and bring them to you. Talk about the video in our forum. Thanks to forum member DoctorWeeTodd for the notice. Viral Marketing District 9
Is “The Inside Experience” Coming To An End? August 3, 2011If you’re getting tired of our updates for The Inside Experience, well then you might be in luck. Yet another episode was posted today (#7 if you’re counting), and it seems like Christina has finally had enough. Watch the episode after the break and read how you can participate in… Read More
Three New “Hunger Games” Viral Motion Posters February 11, 2012February 11, 2012We are a little under two months away from the release of the highly anticipated adaptation of The Hunger Games. We’ve been extensively covering the viral for this from top to bottom, making sure nothing was missed, and now we’ve got some very new updates to The Hunger Games Viral…. Read More
The Crazies Viral Gets New Twitter January 6, 2010November 16, 2010A little over a month ago, we told you about a few new updates and sites to the viral campaign of The Crazies. One of those updates being from a company known as Dakon/Pendrill Chemicals. Well, and interesting twist has occurred in the viral world. Read More