District 9 Viral: New MNU Spreads Lies Video Dan Koelsch, August 13, 2009 Christopher of MNUSpreadsLies.com has a new blog with a video of a woman saying we should treat the non-humans with respect because they haven’t done anything to us. With the film opening up tomorrow (and select screenings tonight at midnight), there are sure to be some last minute viral updates in the next 24-48 hours. We’ll stay on top of any concluding viral stories and bring them to you. Talk about the video in our forum. Thanks to forum member DoctorWeeTodd for the notice. Viral Marketing District 9
Would The Real John Carter Please Stand Up? December 3, 2011Looks like Disney has launched a viral campaign for their upcoming film, John Carter. Andrew Stanton, director of John Carter, is looking for all of the John Carter’s of Earth. If your name is John Carter (or if you know a John Carter), you fit the bill. Hit the jump… Read More
D-9.com Viral Updates – Videos and Target June 29, 2009June 30, 2009D-9.com has two new interview videos up with more of the local human population in District 9. Just click on the two yellow dots on the map to access the video. One begins with the title card “DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY NON-HUMANS COMMUNICATE”. In it, three… Read More
The Time Has Come: Avatarize Yourself January 7, 2010November 16, 2010As if Happy Meals weren’t enough, McDonald’s is now offering the chance for internet users to “avatarize” themselves. Simply upload a picture from your computer or Facebook page, follow a few steps in the program, and you’ll see what you’d look like if you were blue and lived on Pandora. The program… Read More