“Jurassic World” Viral Site Reveals Countdown to Thanksgiving Caleb Hamilton, November 18, 2014November 18, 2014 Briefly: Yesterday, a viral site for the fictional company, Masrani Global, went online. It was quickly discovered that this was the start of an ARG for the highly anticipated Jurassic World. Within the website, there were several pages containing information about Masrani as well as the actual Jurassic World theme park. Clicking around, fans discovered yet another site – one for the theme park itself! Not much on it yet: a ticker with the latest park news, links to social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram… OH! and a huge countdown clock, which at press time has 9 days, 7 hours and 13 minutes left – which is 9 PM on Thursday, November 27th! Will we have a Jurassic World teaser trailer to be thankful for on Thanksgiving? Find out when the countdown ends!Jurassic World opens in theaters on June 12th, 2015! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing ARGCountdownJurassic WorldTrailerUniversal Pictures
First Video and Images From Upcoming ‘Toy Story’ Short Revealed March 7, 2011March 7, 2011Ken was the breakout star of Pixar’s Toy Story 3, both on screen and during the marketing campaign. Now he and Barbie are back for the short “Hawaiian Vacation”, which will debut in front of Cars 2 in theaters. Sure, we’ve told you this before, but after the break we… Read More
Secret Catwoman Poster Found on “The Dark Knight Rises” Website May 26, 2012Over last few days, we’ve seen a flourish of new posters and banners for Warner Bros.’ The Dark Knight Rises. Batman-News.com found out that the print version of some of the posters (displayed at movie theaters) have a QR code, which leads to a secret high resolution poster on the… Read More
Tron Night Footage Reviewed and Interview with “Legacy” Writers October 28, 2010October 18, 2011Tron Night 2010 may be tonight, but Disney staff and select press got an advanced screening this morning of the 24 minute preview for Tron Legacy. We also got to talk to Legacy writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (Felicity, LOST) in a roundtable setting. Listen to the audio from… Read More