Jennifer’s Body: Peer Pressure Viral Scott Caldwell, August 13, 2009August 13, 2009 With school just around the corner, many kids will succumb to the difficulties known as peer pressure. Well, Megan Fox wants you to know that she’s on your side. Circling the internet is a PSA from the upcoming film Jennifer’s Body’s star. The video contains explicit language. Not a huge viral, but close enough for us! Jennifer’s Body is in theaters September 18th. Viral Marketing Jennifer's Body
New UK Food Truck Feeds Your Inner Zombie [And Promotes Release Of “The Walking Dead” Season 2 DVD] August 30, 2012The food truck craze may have hit a few years ago, but it has yet to hit its peak. The entire country has become so enraptured with this food out of a truck craze, that everyone else outside of the United States also wants in on the action. Everyone knows… Read More
Warner Brothers Introduces Movies As Apps February 16, 2011In what may be the new killer app for the Apple iPad, Warner Brothers has deviced a clever way to distribute their home film releases in a way that is similar to DVDs but designed for the new digital world. They are starting off with releases of The Dark Knight… Read More
Openings: Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9 3/4 and The Green Dragon Inn from Lord of the Rings December 29, 2012Two of England’s biggest literary and film series have breached into the real world with functioning businesses straight from their respective magical worlds. After the break, learn about the Harry Potter Shop at Platform 9 3/4 and The Green Dragon Inn from The Lord of the Rings. Read More