2012: Viral Commercial Brings Mainstream Attention Nick Butler, August 26, 2009September 9, 2009 I was watching Ghost Hunters when an commercial for TheIHC.com came up. I was quite surprised, to say the least. It’s very well done, the only thing I have against it is the fact they flash Colombia and the “FILM NOT YET RATED” logos, but it’s only for a few seconds.It appeared a few days ago, but this is the first I’ve seen it. I’m guessing with the success that the District 9 viral had, Sony has invested more money into viral techniques.This is the first time I’ve ever seen a commercial for a in-game viral website, so Sony is taking a big leap as well as a big risk. But, they link all the websites together, so the new “players” will know right away it was for 2012.Advocate for Scott Caldwell in the race for post-2012 world leader!Follow 2012 on MovieViral.com and on our forum. News Viral Marketing 2012
How To Turn a Regular Ad Viral: 11 Creative Billboards November 24, 2009November 23, 2009It’s hard to get your brand recognized nowadays with all the advertising noise out in the world, the Internet, and TV. Thus, you need to find a way to separate yourself from the bunch. ARGs and viral campaigns are one way to do that, but you can do it on… Read More
“Muppets Most Wanted” TV Spot Sees The Internet Outraged Over New Muppets Film’s Zero Nominations January 12, 2014January 13, 2014The Golden Globes are just one of the many Hollywood award ceremonies that precedes the big show, the Academy Awards. We’ve seen many TV spots for Golden Globe nominated films in the past few weeks. But one film wasn’t feeling the love, and that film isn’t even out in theaters… Read More
The Office: Ryan Wants Pictures from You! January 23, 2010January 23, 2010NBC ‘s The Office is no stranger to viral campaigns, having Webisodes, Fake PSA’s, and, The Office Summer Vacation all on their NBC page, along with full episodes, deleted scenes and even season highlights for each season. As we’ve reported before, in the world of The Office, Ryan Howard (B.J… Read More
“This is the first time I’ve ever seen a commercial for a in-game viral website…” then you must not watch LOST on ABC, where they’ve run ads for The Hanso Foundation and Ajira Airways in the past
I don’t watch Lost, but now that you say that, I stand corrected. I remember seeing those ads. I suppose I should have said “in-game viral website for a film.”