Surrogates Update Scott Caldwell, September 1, 2009September 1, 2009 Checking out, I noticed that they have an update to the main page. VSI (Virtual Self Industries) is now on Twitter, under @VSILabs. Nothing has been tweeted as of yet, so I am led to believe it’s up too early on the main page and may be take off soon.We’ll see what happens. New poster has also been found on Deadbolt And finally, a nice little plot detail from io9.comIn another scene, Willis, in his human body, comes home to find his wife hosting a party as her Surrogate self, and all the guests are also robotic Surrogates. The human-controlled robots are giving each other electric shocks — like a kind of drug use, sort of — and Willis gets pissed. He tries to get his wife to come talk to him alone, in their human bodies. She refuses, so he gets so angry, he smashes one of her guest’s faces, revealing the robot parts underneath.You can discuss Surrogates, released September 25th, on our forum Viral Marketing Surrogates
Watch This: Funny People Red Band Trailer July 8, 2009July 8, 2009One of our newest viral campaigns, Funny People, has just released a red band trailer, and it shows a lot more than the green band trailer does (playing in front of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen), including Adam Sandler’s stand-up routine, Seth Rogen’s video-game joke and Seth Rogen in general,… Read More
Discover Your Kryptonian Indentity And Ancestral House With The “Man of Steel” Glyph Creator May 23, 2013Kal-el wasn’t born on Earth. He came from the distant alien world of Krypton. When a child of Krypton is born, they are tied directly to the legacy of their Ancestral House. That legacy is defined by certain traits and characteristics instilled into each child. Now you too can discover… Read More
SyFy’s “Being Human” To Be First Series With TV Tagging January 24, 2011January 24, 2011If you’re already a fan of SyFy’s new show Being Human after just one episode, then you’re in luck. The series, a BBC remake about a werewolf, vampire, and ghost that live together, is teaming up with App makers Shazam to make for a more interactive experience. Read More