All Your O Belong to H.G. Wells! Iain Welford, September 21, 2009September 21, 2009 The Google mystery has been solved! In Google’s own bit of mysterious viral like antics, the online world has been discussing the meaning of the unusual appearance of UFO’s on Google’s homepage.First appearing on the 5th of September and crashing this site with the amount of traffic generated, Google showed a U.F.O. stealing an O form the iconic logo. The firm then used their twitter to alert us that “all your O belong to us”.The U.F.O. flew back onto their home page on the 15th, showing crop circles made by the flying saucer. They again twittered about the “phenomenon” with coordinates that related to Woodham road, here in the U.K.Well, some bright people have pieced the puzzle together and realised that Woodham road is right next to the original landing zone of the first U.F.O. in H.G. Wells “War of the Worlds,” a book that I wrote about in my first article, citing it as being responsible for first ever viral campaign, even if it was accidental.You’ll wake up today to a new Extra terrestrial themed Google logo, and if you click on it, you’ll find that it links to H.G. Wells 143th birthday which is today, 09/21/09. It’s a nice nod to one of the greatest Sci-Fi writers, and has certainly created a lot of buzz about its meaning. Plenty of conspiracy theories have been flying around since the first appearance.All I have to say is well done Google. What did you think about it all? Viral Marketing War of the Worlds
Lost Fans Campaign To Be Included In The Credits February 23, 2010In a tribute to the fans of The Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson included all the charter members of the Lord of the Rings fan club on the credits of the DVD release of the trilogy. This resulted in very very long credits but provided a nice tribute to… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Star Trek, Star Wars, James Bond, Portlandia, And More! January 28, 2013January 28, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
NBC’s “Community” Tells a Three Season Long Joke November 29, 2011The NBC sitcom Community has become a favorite amongst the Internet savvy, and the show has rewarded us nerds with such viral gems as a Twitter episode and storyline an Abed storyline that played out entirely in the background of an episode. Now the show has taken it to the… Read More