District 9: DVD and Blu-Ray Details Revealed Iain Welford, October 12, 2009 I’m pretty sure District 9 would be on many people’s lists of things they would like to unwrap come Christmas morning, but alas, I have bad news for you. Perhaps missing an opportunity, the single disk and special double disk edition, as well as the Hi-Def Blu-Ray edition will hit the shelves on December the 29th, just in time for New Years. The good news though is that the list of special features has been revealed, and all I can say is that your going to love them! Thanks to the U.K. online store Play.com a full list of extras have been listed. Director’s Commentary – now I’m not a huge fan of commentaries but this one will be something special! The opportunity to hear Blomkamp and Jackson talk about their inspiration for the film is to good to miss. Hopefully they will reveal details of the failed Halo movie as well, with the money for that project being poured into this one. MovieIQ – This is Sony’s latest Blu-ray feature that utilises the internet connection of you Blu-ray player and provides you with updated facts, figures and date on the movie, cast and crew. It sounds like a pretty cool feature, and hopefully Sony will utilise it to maximum effect. Cinechat – The second Sony internet enabled feature is cinechat, a tool that will allow you to chat with people you know while watching the film together. I’m not quite as excited by this feature as it has been around for years! It’s called inviting your friends round for movie night! There will also be several featurettes on the design and concept of District 9 including Wikus’s transformation from alien immigration officer to prawn, and also a feature on the weaponry used in the film. As you can see from our interview, Greg Broadmore was great, and hopefully he will pop up in the weaponry featurettes. Here is the list of special featurettes:Joburg From Above: Satellite and Schematics of the World of District 9 – Interactive MapThe Alien Agenda: A Filmmaker’s Log Three-Part DocumentaryKoobus Big GunThe Alien Agenda: A Filmmaker’s Log – Chapter 3: Refining District 9 Metamorphosis: The Transformation of WikusInnovation: Acting and ImprovisationConception and Design: Creating the World of District 9Alien Generation: Visual EffectsI would have liked to have seen some of the short films created by Blomkamp that inspired the film, such as the excellent “Alive in Joburg“, but I’m sure with the inclusion of MovieIQ they will be able to add things like this that they may have forgotten in the initial release. So what do you think? Is are the special features worthy of this great film? The signs look very good to me, but let us know what you think below. News District 9
Viral Video Round Up: Drive, Tom Selleck, Glee, James Franco, Black C-3PO, And More! September 25, 2011September 25, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
Stan Lee’s Oscar Campaign March 7, 2010March 7, 2010There are currently a lot of categories in the Oscars and I suspect that a lot of the votes are pretty random rather than seriously considered. Do the Academy members actually watch all the short films? Do the Academy voters all know the difference between Sound Editing and Sound Mixing?… Read More
Movie Review: “Sanctum” Sinks Like A Rock February 3, 2011February 3, 2011It is a tale of man V.S. mother nature in the spelunking movie Sanctum, a sub terrarium underwater thriller produced by the man who is fascinated by the underwater world James Cameron. Not only is it a story of man V.S. mother nature, it is also a true story. So… Read More