The Box: You Are The Experiment Nick Butler, October 29, 2009October 29, 2009 An interesting website popped up for the upcoming film The Box, which you’ve probably seen ads for on TV. The basic premise: A box is brought to a couple’s house and inside is button, and if they push the button a random person in the world they don’t know will die. In return the couple will receive a payment to the sound of $1 million.The website,, seems completely unrelated to the film from what I’ve gathered from the commercials (albeit not a very good source). But obviously this will all play a role in the film. The site really gets me excited about the film, which I wasn’t too excited about before. Make sure you check out the trailer if you haven’t seen it yet.The “Exhibits” are quite interesting. Each one plays a different video, all about NASA’s Viking program which took place in the mid 70’s. I really don’t know how to explain the videos, so check them out. Each of the videos has it’s own uniqueness, but they’re all very mysterious.It’s interesting to note that the official website for The Box, and all of the trailers have included the phrase “You are the experiment,” so it’ll be interesting to see how that plays a part in the movie. The Box opens November 6th.What do you think of this late viral attempt? Have any ideas on how the NASA Viking program plays a role the film? Leave a comment or talk about it on the MovieViral Forum.Thanks to, Davy Perkins, and cynic710. News Viral Marketing The Box
“Big Hero 6” Trailer: Disney’s Marvel Movie Takes Flight July 15, 2014July 15, 2014Sure the marketing for Disney’s Big Hero 6 may have been slow going, but it has quickly amped up thanks in part to marketing tie-ins with the World Cup. The film centers on a young technological prodigy who upgrades his squishy caretaking robot into a superheroic fighting machine. That was… Read More
The Buzz: Awards, Interstellar, Guillermo Del Toro, and More! January 11, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More
Help Promote “The Amazing Spider-man 2” To Earn Points And Plenty Of Fantastic Prizes November 6, 2013November 6, 2013Do you enjoy all the pre-release marketing for your favorite and most anticipated upcoming films? Well, if you do then the fine folks over at Sony want your help in spreading the word about the upcoming sure-to-be blockbuster, The Amazing Spider-man 2. Sharing content isn’t anything new, we post trailers,… Read More
It’s not completely unrelated to the movie. In Exhibit C you can see Cameron Diaz on a payphone. It must be based on the movie’s characters and what they do for NASA?
You Are the Experiment since 2000