2012: The IHC Officially Announces Winner of the Post-2012 Election, Barbara Squirms, and More Ticket Info! Dan Koelsch, November 6, 2009November 6, 2009 As we reported yesterday, Michael S. has won the Leader of the Post-2012 World election after running a strong campaign. The election was run by the Institute of Human Continuity, and today they officially announced Michael as the winner on their YouTube channel. Here’s the infamous Barbara Lewis-Penn revealing the results: Just an uninteresting, simple video to announce the winner, right? Well, there is well-played subtext in Barbara’s body language. Throughout the video she seems a bit uneasy (could be poor acting), but she really gives it away at the end, when she tacks on the line “for everyone”, as though she forgot or suddenly released she needed to reassure people. Then she shrinks back and bites her lip right before the video ends. Clearly, she doesn’t believe what she’s saying. What does this small hint of deception mean? We know Barbara is knee deep in the IHC conspiracy where they and Aerospace Robotics Corp are building vessels to transport the rich off Earth when the descruction of 2012 hits. She’s obviously having trouble lying to the public about the IHC’s real intentions. The vessels being made are supposed to be for lottery winners, but thanks to our new pal at NaaczaalTixForSale.com, we know that personalized tickets have already been made up, thus prooving the lottery is a hoax. Today he updated his blog post today to answer some of the comments left for him. He mentions that there are different color tickets, and that he has a green one for a spoiled rich “artist” named Isabella St. Simon. Surprisingly, she has her own website, which is officially part of the 2012 Experience. There’s no info to gleen from the site yet, but maybe we’ll get some updates. In any case, congrats to Michael S. for winning the trip to Cancun and probably becoming a figurehead leader for the IHC so they can continue to scheme behind the scenes. 2012 opens nationwide November 13th. You can discuss these updates to the viral in the comments below, or on our forum. Also check out the MovieViral 2012 page for more info on the film and its viral campaign. Viral Marketing 2012
What Do The New “Super 8” Viral Clips Tell Us? May 4, 2011May 4, 2011We’ve brought you bits and pieces of the mysterious video that is slowly being put together on S8EditingRoom.com, and now we have enough that we can at least try to speculate on the video as a whole. Get the details on the latest addition to the Super 8 viral campaign… Read More
New “Walking Dead” Web Series Debuts October 1st September 23, 2012September 23, 2012Last year, AMC released a short web series before the Season 2 premiere of The Walking Dead, giving us a glimpse into this world from another angle. Leading up to Season 3 of the zombie series, AMC is back at it again. Get the details after the break. Read More
Check Out Kermit Cam At The Pirates Premiere May 10, 2011Walt Disney Studios’ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides had its world premiere at Disneyland on Saturday, and Kermit the Frog was on hand to interview the celebrities and stars of the film who showed up. Watch his coverage of the event through the “Kermit Cam” after the break. Read More
There’s an email hidden in the picture of the artist’s page, It could be nothing, but I just noticed it itsimon@yahoo.comhttp://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ksayhzj5NL1qa45ya.jpg
I was wondering why they’d want to send me to Cancun when there is so much work to do 😉Confirmation already via Miss St. Simon: http://www.isabellastsimon.com/
I haven’t seen the movie yet but I hope it includes 2012 references from other sources of the ancient world, not just the Mayans, for example; The Summerians and there mysterious planet x, Ancient Egypt and it’s pyramids of Giza and the lost city of Atlantis. Other references include The Bilble, The Bible code, Nasa solar storm predictions, Nostradamus, the prophecies of Fatima and the geological records which show history of previous worldwide catastrophies.
Michael S, how do I get in contact with you? I would like to help or otherwise contribute in the process