2012: Soren Ulfert is Dead Dan Koelsch, November 12, 2009 I don’t want to gloat and say I called it, but…I called it. Yesterday, we reported the death of Professor Meyers, and it seemed like the IHC was cleaning house on anyone involved in uncovering the conspiracy. News Done Right is reporting that Ulfert was found dead in Wisconsin after what looks like a car accident caused by “fatigue”. If by fatigue you mean professional hit, then I believe you. The good thing about the article is it mentions some of the ARG players who helped out Corruption Theory.The vehicle also contained a copy of the book Farewell Atlantis with hand-written notes in it, including the names Rowan, Celina, DJ, and Dave, as well as a phone number labeled “Professor Meyers.”If I didn’t know better, I’d say Charlie Frost was next, but we know he’s in the actual film, so that’s not really possible. Maybe they are pursuing him during the events of the movie. That would be a great tie in. We’ll have to wait and see. All in all, this is kind of a depressing end to a viral. We find out that the whole IHC is and it’s humanitarian purpose is a sham, and those that helped figure it out are killed. 2012 opens nationwide November 13th. You can discuss these updates to the viral in the comments below, or on our forum. Also check out the MovieViral 2012 page for more info on the film and its viral campaign. I’ll have my review of the film up tomorrow morning, and we’ll have Iain’s non-follower review up Friday night or Saturday morning, so stay tuned for those. Viral Marketing 2012
The Amazing Spider-Man: Webbed Menace Website Lists Sightings March 25, 2012It looks like your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is keeping busy, as there have been multiple sightings all over the world. The Webbed Menace website now has a section that lists user-submitted sightings of the Web Crawler. Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Star Wars, Superman, Splash, The Thing: The Musical, Zack Morris, And More! October 16, 2011October 18, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
GKNOVA6: Website Updates, New Codes . . . What Game? April 9, 2010April 10, 2010UPDATE: New discovery – https://movieviral.com/2010/04/09/gknova6-classified-announcement-somd-new-code/ GKNOVA6.com has updated with an all new video which includes a new code. The site was revealed last week after packages were sent to video game websites and fans alike, throwing us into wild speculation. But that was then, so I assume that speculation has… Read More
Don’t worry Dave, it wasn’t you…it’s me. 🙂BTW, Charlie has signed off after thinking about his health…
This is all a scam to scare the public into thinking that the world is going to be destroyed by a planet, called planet X, or light being are going to burn everything, or solar flares. The truth is they are trying to take over slowly by putting fear in everyone’s life this is a retarded site and he knew what was going on and they killed him for living and trying to tell people.