Avatar: Ten Featurettes in the Interactive Trailer Ian DeVere, November 25, 2009August 5, 2010 Fox continues their huge Avatar push with a new ‘interactive trailer’, which allows you to jump from the trailer to the featurette during important points. These featurettes are designed to help you get a better understanding of the creatures and characters within Avatar. You can get see the featurettes on Avatar’s website. Here are some examples:So what do you think about the featurettes? What do you think about Avatar in general? Is it living up to the hype, or will it bomb at the box office when it opens on December 18th? Leave your thoughts in the comments! Thanks to TrailerAddict for the embed links. News AvatarInteractive TrailerTrailer
Avatar News Round-Up November 23, 2009The last few days have brought lots of news bites on James Cameron’s Avatar, so here’s just a few of the ones that caught our eye. We already know that Ubisoft is making a video game for film, set to be released on December 1st. Well, now we have an… Read More
Jared Harris Talks “The Quiet Ones”, Researching The Role Of The Character, The Supernatural, “Mad Men”, And More April 25, 2014April 25, 2014 In The Quiet Ones Jared Harris plays an English professor who educates university students on the paranormal and supernatural. Set in the 60s, the professor is determined to prove that there is a scientific explanation for the seemingly supernaturally possessed Jane Harper (Olivia Cooke). In our roundtable interview, the… Read More
“Green Lantern” Viral Update: New Blog Postings Respond To Audio Clip of Parallax June 3, 2011June 3, 2011We are a mere two weeks away from the release of Warner Brothers Pictures The Green Lantern, and since viral campaigns are our specialty, we noticed some activity with the viral marketing. Since our last update, we reported that Dr. Waller has been sending out responses to readers of the… Read More