Merry Christmas from MovieViral! Dan Koelsch, December 25, 2009April 28, 2010 From all of us at MovieViral, we want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. To help celebrate this festive occasion, here are some holiday movies for your viewing pleasure. And lastly, here’s Jimmy Fallon singing “12 Days of Christmas” with the Muppets! Viral Marketing Viral video
Viral Video: Chris Klein Auditions for Mamma Mia May 19, 2010There’s a video that has been on the Internet for only a day and is already spreading like wildfire. In what looks to be real leaked footage, actor Chris Klein (American Pie) auditions for a role in the 2008 musical Mamma Mia, which stars Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep. Usually… Read More
JibJab Puts You in a Katy Perry Music Video June 30, 2012The concert film Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D opens in theaters on July 5th, and to promote the film, Paramount has teamed up with Jib Jab to let you and your friends be in the “California Girls” music video in the way only JibJab can. Check out the version… Read More
New Viral Campaign Pages – 9 & Funny People July 1, 2009July 1, 2009After some discussion, we have finally added two new pages to our viral campaign coverage. 9, the Tim Burton-produced film, and Funny People, Judd Apatow’s star-studded comedy, are now part of our full viral coverage. Check out the pages and the films’ viral campaigns to get up to speed. Funny… Read More