The Home Alone Twitter Project Dan Koelsch, December 25, 2009December 25, 2009 One of my favorite holiday movies of all time is Home Alone. Whenever I hear “Carol of the Bells”, I always think of that movie. Well, for all those other fans out there, now you can follow the plot of Home Alone on Twitter! Yes, that’s right. Thanks to Twitter’s new list feature, you can see tweets from all the main characters in order of how they would appear in the film. It’s called the Home Alone Twitter Project, and by following the list, you’ll see tweets from 23 characters in the film, including Kevin McCallister and most of the McCallister family, robbers Harry and Marv, and even Ben Marley, the scary old guy with a shovel. Each character has their own twitter account so they can interact, but reading them all under the list allows you to follow the events in the film from beginning to end in real time (it’s over now, so you can actually read the whole thing). The narrative uses modern devices such as Twitpic and YouTube, and even uses Internet lingo such as Harry’s “o_O” tweet. It’s really quite brilliant, so check it out for yourself. I’m crossing my fingers in hopes they do Home Alone 2 next year. Thanks to Slashfilm for the heads up. Viral Marketing Home Alone
Watch the Super Bowl Trailers for “Battle: Los Angeles”, “Pirates”, and the Rest February 6, 2011February 6, 2011Earlier this evening we brought you the Super Bowl ads for Super 8, Thor, Captain America, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Cowboys & Aliens. There were many more ads for movies during the big game, so click through to see them all. Read More
DJ Steve Porter Remixes NBC’s Community Again September 14, 2010Last fall, DJ Steve Porter did a music video remix using clips from NBC’s Community. The Internet sensation (and ESPN SportsNation favorite) is back at it again, this time in what seems to be an official manner. Porter’s latest video is to promote the Season 1 DVD release of Community,… Read More
Paramount and Qualcomm Announce “Star Trek Into Darkness” Super Bowl App January 8, 2013January 8, 2013The Super Bowl is right around the corner and the major studios are gearing up to present glimpses at some of their upcoming films. On Monday, Paramount Pictures and Qualcomm Labs, Inc. announced a new mobile application that will be used during the big game to unlock exclusive content from… Read More