Avatar: The Making of the Bootleg Dan Koelsch, December 29, 2009 We have yet another sketch comedy website doing a great movie parody. This time, we have Free Love Forum with their video “Avatar: The Making of the Bootleg”, which takes you behind the scenes of the revolutionary new bootleg of the revolutionary new movie. Viral Marketing Avatar
The Official “LOST” Facebook Page Updates Timeline to Match Events Within the Show March 30, 2012You may not be following the Facebook page for ABC’s LOST considering it’s been off the air for almost two years, but you real fans may want to start. In honor of castmember Henry Ian Cusick (a.k.a. Desmond Hume) starring in the new ABC series Scandal, the LOST Facebook timeline… Read More
$300 YouTube Video Lands Filmmaker a $30 Million Movie Deal December 19, 2009December 19, 2009How’s this for the power of the Internet? Federico Alvarez, a Uraguayan filmmaker, posted a video on YouTube in early November titled “Ataque de Panico” (Panic Attack), and within days received a slue of offers from Hollywood studios to make a feature length film. He eventually settled with Ghost House… Read More
Social Networks “Wish I Was Here” Makes Personalized Trailer For Each Kickstarter Backer May 19, 2014May 19, 2014I’m not ashamed to say that I contributed to Zach Braff‘s Kickstarter campaign for his new film, Wish I Was Here. I loved his directorial debut Garden State and I was interested in seeing what he would create in his follow-up and companion piece to his earlier film. For those… Read More