Mission Icefly: Get Ready For Hunt 3.0! Caleb Hamilton, September 3, 2011 Briefly: The Traelek Institute is gearing up to open another testing facility, but not before they release more Iceflies! You have until Monday to vote for 3 more cities to get the Iceflies. Head over to the Human Preservation Project hub on 5 Gum’s Facebook page to vote for one of 6 cities including: Tampa, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Anaheim and New Orleans. Once the cities are chosen, a scavenger hunt will ensue and a few more lucky people will rescue the coveted Iceflies. What are you waiting for? Go vote! Follow our coverage of the 5 Gum viral campaign here. ARGs & Campaigns Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookHuman Preservation ProjectMission IceflyTest Subjects Needed
SyFy’s “Being Human” To Be First Series With TV Tagging January 24, 2011January 24, 2011If you’re already a fan of SyFy’s new show Being Human after just one episode, then you’re in luck. The series, a BBC remake about a werewolf, vampire, and ghost that live together, is teaming up with App makers Shazam to make for a more interactive experience. Read More
Inception Viral with Christopher Nolan April 23, 2010June 12, 2010If the film Inception doesn’t throw your head in twenty different directions while watching the trailer, then it’s about to get a few more places. In the video that follows, we see what seems to start out as a film clip of the director Christopher Nolan interviewing specialists in the… Read More
Viral Video: Are Iron Man and Batman Begins the Same Movie? February 11, 2010College Humor is known for their videos that showcase how two movies are extremely similar. The call the series “Deja View”, and they’ve done some great ones in the past, including Star Trek vs. Star Wars, and Dude Where’s My Car? vs. The Hangover. A similarly themed video mashed up… Read More