Viral Video of the Week: Recreated Rocky Montage Dan Koelsch, January 10, 2010May 3, 2011 This video was actually made two years ago, but the first time I saw it was when it was featured on GeekWeek this week. It’s a fan-made shot-for-shot recreation of the training montage from Rocky IV, which is one of my favorite scenes of the series, and one of the most parodied montages of all time. It’s pretty impressive, so take a look: Other viral videos we liked this week: DJ Steve Porter creating one of his famous auto-tune remixes, this time of NBC’s “Community”: A hilarious 70 minute review of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace by RedLetterMedia: Viral Video of the Week is a regular feature on MovieViral, where we look for the best movie or TV related viral video. If you find a viral video that is better than these, let us know in the comments below! Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos RockyStar WarsViral video
Spider-Man’s Deadliest Villains, Carnage and Venom, Mentioned On “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site April 10, 2014One of the concerns fans had about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was that it was chock full of villains. Aleksei Sytsevich aka The Rhino (Paul Giamatti), Max Dillion aka Electro (Jamie Foxx), and Green Goblin (Dane DeHaan) will all be fighting Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) in the highly anticipated sequel. But… Read More
“Thor” Press Kit Causes a Scare at Bus Stop May 19, 2011May 19, 2011Normally press kits are tools from studios given to bloggers, newspaper journalist, and even T.V. journalists to push whatever it is they will be releasing. It is also a great marketing tool. But when a press kit becomes a threat to our security, then it raises some high brows. Hit… Read More
Fox Searchlight Launches a Powerful Website for “The Tree of Life” April 7, 2011April 8, 2011Terrance Malick’s The Tree of Life may be the film’s most highly anticipated films that is not a comic book adaptation, a sequel, or a film that is a preface to a much larger film. Now Fox Searchlight has launched a website promoting the new drama from Malick calling it… Read More