New Page Added For The Crazies Dan Koelsch, January 10, 2010May 3, 2011 It’s been awhile since we’ve been able to add a page for a viral campaign, so it is my pleasure to announce that we have added a viral campaign page for The Crazies. You may have noticed from Scott’s recent articles that the viral campaign has really picked up lately, so the page should help you keep track of everything. Click HERE to go to the page. If you see any updates to the viral, let us know! Also, if you think a certain viral campaign deserves to have a page, contact us so we can evaluate it. We do what we can, but it’s you guys that help make this work. Site News The Crazies
Site News Welcome to! January 29, 2009September 23, 2024MovieViral is your #1 source for news and analysis of film viral campaigns. What is this “viral” we speak of? Since the boom of the internet and technology in the last decade, it has become easier for studios to find alternative, unique ways to promote their films and television shows…. Read More
New Viral Campaign Pages – 9 & Funny People July 1, 2009July 1, 2009After some discussion, we have finally added two new pages to our viral campaign coverage. 9, the Tim Burton-produced film, and Funny People, Judd Apatow’s star-studded comedy, are now part of our full viral coverage. Check out the pages and the films’ viral campaigns to get up to speed. Funny… Read More
MovieViral’s 2 Year Anniversary! January 29, 2011January 29, 2011It’s hard to believe it’s already been 2 years, but on January 29, 2009, MovieViral was officially born. We’ve come a long way, and we want to thank all our readers for sticking by us and making this all possible. We are, as always, looking to grow and mature our… Read More
I was wondering if you could add “The Crazies” Movie Facebook game to the Crazies Viral Page?Our Twitter Account: Our Facebook Fan Page:, I know there is a new app for iPhone for The Crazies movie ( And the game (a tower defense) will be out a bit before the movie is released, but we are starting to preparing for it now!