The Crazies: Blogden Marsh Scott Caldwell, January 28, 2010January 28, 2010 I just wanted to run a few quick updates by you in case you are keeping score.A couple of posts have made their way onto the SaveOgdenMarsh blogspot. Why is this news? Well, for starters, there never were any posts on this blog before. Now, we have a couple from a new blogger from the little town in Iowa, by the name of Lauryn Holmes. And by the response of Kim, they are close. Lauryn Holmes said… Kim – you’re crazy! It’s insane how much you care about the environment. I find it inspiring, actually. If you’d ask me, though, you couldn’t get me to stand out there – no matter how inspired I am. Also, do we have practice tomorrow? I’m not sure.Kim Jonson said… Aw, thanks Lauryn! Practice may have to wait until Thursday thanks to this lovely weather. But I’m willing to go out and scrimmage in the cold if you are!Of course, Lauryn was so inspired, that she created a blog of her very own to spread the hatred of DP Chemicals. We now have, WhyDestroyLife, which seems to be going the direction of Kim’s blog, only instead of posting actual events taking place, she’s discussing her feelings. That’ll show ’em!Also, there is now a Facebook page for Kim, and unlike most other viral character’s pages, this one is not a fan page. It’s Kim’s. As in she could deny your friendship. I hope she accepts! And finally, the following video confirms that TheTruthAboutTrixie is legit (although we already knew it was), and she lets us know about an upcoming protest. Maybe something that could bring the viral into the public? Who knows. I have to say, even though this viral has had it’s ups and down, I am very excited to see this film. Let us know your expectations, because February 26th is not that far ahead. You can check out our sections for The Crazies both on the main page, and in the forum.Thanks to contributor, Anthony, for the find! Viral Marketing The Crazies
Follow In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes November 18, 2009How’s this for a tourist attraction? The VisitBritain tourist agency is teaming up with the new Sherlock Holmes to help you plan a unique tour of London fit for any Holmes fan. When you go to the agency’s page dedicated to the campaign, you can actually see an interactive map… Read More
Watson Reviews Violin Online On Behalf of “Sherlock” March 20, 2013The BBC’s Sherlock has had a strong viral presence since debuting in 2010, as we’ve talked about before. The modern day retelling of Sherlock Holmes has a huge fanbase, including on Reddit, where someone recently found a review on the Cardiff Violin website done by John Watson on behave of… Read More
Flash Forward: The Blackout Just Got Bigger June 25, 2010June 25, 2010A couple of weeks ago we reported on a worldwide protest organized by fans of the canceled show Flash Forward. The protest had been staged to bring attention to the number of fans out there who want a second season of the show in order to tie up all the… Read More