10 Worst Super Bowl Commercials Ever Dan Koelsch, February 4, 2010February 4, 2010 We talked the other day about how Super Bowl commercials are viral videos. In fact, they are probably the original viral videos. Before YouTube, Facebook, and any other sharing medium online, people would stand around the cooler the next day and talk about the ads that aired during the big game. Usually people (and list makers) talk about the best and funniest commercials they saw, but what about the worst? Fortunately, Sports Pickle has compiled a list of the ten worst Super Bowl ads ever. Check out a few of the gems after the jump, and let us know what you think! Viral Marketing Super BowlViral video
Super Bowl XLVIII: Movie Trailers And Commercials January 24, 2014 Every year, the Super Bowl has millions of viewers, and not just sports fans. One of the big draws of this event is “watching it for the commercials.” This is when the very best commercials are aired on TV, and the one time people don’t want to fast forward… Read More
MovieViral’s 2 Year Anniversary! January 29, 2011January 29, 2011It’s hard to believe it’s already been 2 years, but on January 29, 2009, MovieViral was officially born. We’ve come a long way, and we want to thank all our readers for sticking by us and making this all possible. We are, as always, looking to grow and mature our… Read More
Ted: Play “Fists of Furry” Game and Listen to Remix of “Thunder Buddies” Song June 21, 2012June 20, 2012The raunchy comedy Ted, about a teddy bear that came to life 27 years ago, opens next weekend in theaters, and Universal has a few online updates to promote the film. There’s an online game where Ted fights other famous talking bears from television and film, as well as a… Read More