10 Worst Super Bowl Commercials Ever Dan Koelsch, February 4, 2010February 4, 2010 We talked the other day about how Super Bowl commercials are viral videos. In fact, they are probably the original viral videos. Before YouTube, Facebook, and any other sharing medium online, people would stand around the cooler the next day and talk about the ads that aired during the big game. Usually people (and list makers) talk about the best and funniest commercials they saw, but what about the worst? Fortunately, Sports Pickle has compiled a list of the ten worst Super Bowl ads ever. Check out a few of the gems after the jump, and let us know what you think! Viral Marketing Super BowlViral video
Real Steel: Train Your WRB Robot! August 1, 2011The World Robot Boxing website now has a new feature called “Learning The Ropes”, where you can train the robot that you built. The website is the viral marketing hub for Disney’s Real Steel, set in the near future where robots have taken over the sport of boxing. The WRB… Read More
Help Promote “The Amazing Spider-man 2” To Earn Points And Plenty Of Fantastic Prizes November 6, 2013November 6, 2013Do you enjoy all the pre-release marketing for your favorite and most anticipated upcoming films? Well, if you do then the fine folks over at Sony want your help in spreading the word about the upcoming sure-to-be blockbuster, The Amazing Spider-man 2. Sharing content isn’t anything new, we post trailers,… Read More
Elaborate Bansky Oscar Campaign or Mr. Brainwash Street Art? February 1, 2011February 27, 2011Exit Through the Gift Shop was not only a hit at last year’s Sundance, it has already achieved a cult status within the film community. Not only that, but the film that documented street artists like Bansky and Mr. Brainwash has earned itself an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary. In… Read More