Amazing Movie Rap Videos! Corey, February 4, 2010 I’m a huge fan of fan-created content when it comes to movies and TV shows, most notably LOST and the amazing fan videos and art that have been created in the history of the show’s run. YouTube user Robomayhem is another great example of fan created content, with their unique way of summarizing an entire movie in the form of rapping, mixing both lines from the movie and their own to give us a great and downright funny video. They have four videos, Aliens, Robocop, Terminator 2, and, Predator, but sadly, only three out of the four are up seeing how FOX took down the Predator video. Check them all out after the jump! Viral Marketing AliensMusic VideoPredatorRapRobocopTerminator 2Viral video
Learn About Our Alien Enemies Thanks To New “Battle: Los Angeles” Viral Site January 19, 2011January 19, 2011Faithful readers to the site know that I am usually pretty objective in my reporting, but I have to admit, this got the nerd inside of me really excited. Sony’s alien war film Battle: Los Angeles has been dabbling in viral marketing since Comic-Con, but it looks like they may… Read More
Check Out This Modernized Tron Trailer March 30, 2010March 30, 2010If you’ve ever watched a trailer from say 1990 or before, you know how horribly boring and wordy they are. Fortunately, with the much-anticipated Tron Legacy coming out this year, YouTuber Chris Drew has created a modern trailer for the original 1982 hit. It’s really well done, full of action… Read More
Be Part Of the Long Khan! July 5, 2011July 6, 2011Premium movie channel EPIX is counting down to its 48-hour marathon dedicated to Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner. Shatner-Palooza kicks off July 21th with the premiere of Shatner’s documentary, The Captains, in which he interviews every actor to portray a starship or space station captain in a Star Trek series… Read More