Can You Kick Ass? New Contest Announced Iain Welford, February 12, 2010February 13, 2010 Ever dreamed of becoming a superhero? Well,Kick-Ass is offering you the chance to become one on Facebook. Lionsgate has launched the “Become a Superhero “contest to mark the launch of the film, and is giving you the opportunity to upload your photo, create your superhero pose, and launch your name and secret identity. Once your superhero is made, you can encourage your friends and strangers to vote for you. The 10 highest voted superheroes will go to the final round with the comic book’s creator Mark Millar picking the winner. The winner will win a cameo in Kick-Ass 2 the comic. Now that is Kick-ass prize! Find out how to enter after the jump. To enter, click on the link here and get creative. In related news, Millar, who also created hit comics like Wanted, is going to make his debut behind the camera directing his own original Superhero movie. Here is an excerpt from IGN in which he explains why he decided to make the jump.The big thing I’ve learned from Kick-Ass is it’s lovely to be self-employed. I love being self-employed. I’ve never really had a proper job. I dropped out of university and started writing comics. So to suddenly go into a studio system where you have lots of people who can make decisions about what you’re doing in your work I find slightly uncomfortable. Whereas what Matthew [Vaughn] did with Kick-Ass [and] what I’ve really learned from that is, you stand or fall based on your own talent. If you’re any good, it’ll work. If not, they’ll find out fast and you’ll bomb out. So I’ve luckily managed to get something independently financed and I’m going to direct it myself. I’m writing the screenplay myself. It’s a whole new property. It’s not a comic book property but it is a superhero thing and it’s going to be unlike any superhero project that anyone’s ever seen before. It’s as different from Superman or X-Men as District 9 is from Star Wars. So it’s going to be a very unusual superhero property.There are no real details on the film itself, but hopefully more details will be revealed after the release of Kick-Ass. Share your Superhero name below, and you might grab some votes from us! Viral Marketing Kick-AssMark Millar
The Crazies: A Downward Viral January 21, 2010January 21, 2010Update: The link to the Ogden Marsh Sheriff’s Department has been fixed. If you have been following the viral campaign for The Crazies, you may notice a few odd things. A few things that do just not seem to fit. A few things flat out wrong. This campaign seems to… Read More
“World War Z” Mobile Game Coming May 30th May 16, 2013While you wait for the Summer blockbuster World War Z to finally hit theaters June 21st, you can get in on the zombie fun yourself with a new mobile game for the film that will be available at the end of this month. Get all the details after the break,… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: The Hobbit, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, James Bond, And More! January 20, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Have you guys seen this review of the movie from a guy who saw it?? Sounds like it’s gonna be so awesome I want to see it even more than before. I can’t wait!! Check it out-