Viral Video: I Love You Over and Over Again Dan Koelsch, February 14, 2010 We aren’t completely jaded here at MovieViral, so we’ve decided to post at least one Valentine’s Day video for you. It’s a mash up of romantic movie scenes over what seems like the entire spam of film history, courtesy of Movie Fone. Check it out after the jump. Watch more Moviefone videos on AOL Video Viral Marketing Valentine's DayViral video
‘Furious 7’ Trailer: Vin Diesel Doesn’t Need Friends, He’s Got Family November 1, 2014The week long Furious 7 trailer launch marketing campaign has finally come to its epic conclusion. Universal has released various featurettes highlighting what makes the series so fantastic, but now the moment we have all be waiting for has finally arrived. The first trailer for Furious 7. Vin Diesel, Paul… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Marvel Universe, Teen Wolf Too, 30 Minutes or Less, Jurassic Park, and More! August 7, 2011October 18, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
Jennifer’s Body: Peer Pressure Viral August 13, 2009August 13, 2009With school just around the corner, many kids will succumb to the difficulties known as peer pressure. Well, Megan Fox wants you to know that she’s on your side. Circling the internet is a PSA from the upcoming film Jennifer’s Body’s star. The video contains explicit language. Not a huge… Read More