The Crazies Viral Exclusive: Kim Jonson Attacked Dan Koelsch, February 17, 2010February 17, 2010 In The Crazies viral campaign, Kim Jonson runs, a blog where she tries to combat DP Chemicals’ local plant. It’s basically an environment activist site. Kim periodically makes videos for Eugene, who runs, a site where Eugene discusses and asks for help researching a secret military virus that makes you crazy. The premise of the movie is that the virus gets in the water and infects the town of Ogden Marsh, but the viral has yet to directly show that happening…until now. Check out the exciting video after the jump. Since Kim’s Twitter was updated innocuously just a few hours ago, we can assume this happened after. Is Kim dead? Is she she one of them? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Viral Marketing ExclusiveKim JonsonThe Crazies
Update to “What Is The #Super8Secret?” June 5, 2011Briefly: We gave you a quick report on Thursday about a mysterious new viral site for the upcoming J.J. Abrams sci-fi thriller, Super 8. A couple of developments have been made in the story. First, a date and time have been set for the “Super 8 Secret” to be revealed… Read More
Teaser For “Red State” Leads To Viral Sites December 23, 2010December 24, 2010When talk started up in regards to Kevin Smith’s horror film Red State, I was intrigued, especially being a fan of MOST of his work. Then again, none of his work included a horror film before, so it was up in the air. Recently, there has been a few posters… Read More
Movie Rights For “Dead Island” Goes From Sold To Not Sold February 21, 2011February 21, 2011The movie blogs erupted when it was reported that Sean Daniel, movie producer of 20 years, purchased the rights to produce Dead Island after the announcement trailer went viral. This reaction might of caused some confusion for the game’s publisher Deep Silver, because they never sold the rights to anyone… Read More