Watch The Office Employees Talk About The Olympics Dan Koelsch, February 22, 2010February 22, 2010 NBC may be getting a lot of flack lately for (amongst other things) their tape delayed coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympics, but they are definitely promoting the heck out of it. Check out their latest cross promotion involving a little paper company after the jump. In a new series of web clips, your favorites from The Office talk about their favorite Olympic moments and sports (both in and out of character). Check out the ones so far: You can catch the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver almost all day on NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC until February 28th. The Office airs Thursday nights at 9/8c. Viral Marketing NBCOlympicsThe Office
NBC’s ‘The Event’ Adds Character Twitters and New Viral Website September 20, 2010September 26, 2010The Event premieres tonight on NBC, and if the mystery grabs you, there are some crafty online options for you to peel away the secrecy. First of all, many of the big characters have their own Twitter accounts. Also, a blog has been created for someone who is seeking the… Read More
Super 8 Trailer Breakdown and Analysis May 12, 2010May 13, 2010The countdown is still a few days away (update: or is it?), so we have a bit of time on our hands in the Super 8 viral. Let’s take a closer look at the trailer, thanks in part to our friends at Unfiction and Super 8 News. While a lot… Read More
Win A $1 Million If You Throw 100 MPH At Disney’s “Million Dollar Arm” Pitching Contest April 22, 2014Million Dollar Arm is based on JB Bernstein’s travels to India to find new baseball talent in hopes of keeping his sport agency alive. In a country known more for the sport of Cricket than baseball, he found two exciting pitching prospects thanks in part to a reality show competition… Read More