Tron Legacy: Expect New Trailer Saturday? Nick Butler, February 25, 2010February 26, 2010 UPDATE: The tickets on PitCell are now live, get yours!It looks like you can expect a new Tron Legacy trailer Saturday on the FlynnLives website. As we reported yesterday, an exclusive limited even will be taking place in five locations all around the world. Well, now the /derez page which unlocked the first trailer a while back has been reset, and it’s asking for five new codes. It’s our guess that five codes will be given out at the exclusive event taking place Saturday, and once those codes are entered, it will reveal a new trailer. More after the jump.This is only speculation, but as I mentioned, we think a new trailer for Tron Legacy will be online soon after the event. In addition, expect a trailer to be attached to Alice in Wonderland next week.The basic guess is that after the exclusive event (which will probably be the trailer) some people in the audience will be given codes to enter on Once their entered, the new Tron trailer will be posted on FlynnLives. A similar sinario happened last year with the teaser trailer. So keep your eye on this page (seen below) for a new trailer, or at least, a new clue.Update 4:25PM: As Alex from said, it’ll probably be more difficult to get these codes than I make it seem. And who knows if this will unlock the trailer, it may be another clue towards the trailer. In any case, we’ll keep you covered.Update 4:54PM: Agent Lex from Unfiction has posted an image (seen below) of a badge that members who will be attending the event received. As you can see, it reads “special sneak peek event” so there is a chance this is more than just a trailer – it may be a longer clip. We’ll have to wait and see.(Thanks to Unfiction members for continued analysis).What do you think? Will a trailer be online tomorrow? Are you looking forward to it? Leave a comment below! Viral Marketing CluecodeDerezimaxTrailerTron Legacy
Times Square Video Hack Turns Out To Be Viral For ‘Limitless’ March 18, 2011October 7, 2013On Sunday, a video was posted to YouTube that got people wondering whether it was real or fake. In it, a man shows off an iPhone transmitter he invented that allows video to be transmitted to any screen the receiver is near. He demonstrated it in Times Square, including on… Read More
Disney Makes Theater Stop Unofficial Viral Marketing For Tron Legacy August 30, 2010Well, you have to give them credit for trying. Yesterday we reported that a movie theater in Ohio (and possibly others) seemed to be part of Disney’s viral marketing campaign for Tron Legacy. However, it turns out that Marcus Crosswoods Cinema had taken it upon themselves to set up their… Read More
Super 8 Viral Update: “They got to him” April 24, 2011When we last left the Super 8 viral campaign, we knew that fish enthusiast Josh Minker’s dad worked on a secret government research project involving something extraterrestrial, and that the man Josh has been communicating with lately (dubbed “Mysterio” by ARG players) was a coworker who is trying to help… Read More
I don’t think it’s as easy as “five codes will be given out at the exclusive event taking place tomorrow.” You’re a viral blog, you know better than that! We’re going to have to work to uncover these codes and unlock the trailer! There’s going to be another game or something where we have to unlock something to get this trailer.I wouldn’t expect it that soon either. I’d say maybe Sunday or Monday, but not tomorrow or Saturday, that’s for sure. Disney wants to put some padding between the big event on Saturday and when everyone else gets to see the trailer. I’m going to the LA event and will let you know how it goes (and if we get any codes).At Comic-Con last year, the 5 codes were found by playing the Space Paranoids game at Flynn’s Arcade. Every time you’d beat a level it would give you a “secret code” on the screen for only 30 secs. There were 5 levels and 5 codes and they all came from different people because it was a HARD game to play. But it was NOT easy to get these codes, let me tell you.
Haha, that’s true. I guess by me saying “some people in the audience will be given codes to enter on derez” I really meant these people will acquire the codes through challenges, etc. The main purpose of this article is to get people’s attention and make sure if they’re attending this event to look everywhere for these codes – but I’m guessing it will be some sort of a hunt.I noticed their calling it an exclusive “event,” which makes me think it’ll be more than just watching a trailer. Who knows, maybe there will be more arcade games.Keep us updated! 😀