Tron Legacy: Trailer Shown At IMAX Event, Now What… Nick Butler, February 27, 2010December 3, 2010 Well, the IMAX ‘exclusive limited event’ for Tron Legacy ended a few hours ago and MovieViral has received various reports about it. WHAT WE KNOW: We know that a trailer, about 2.5 minutes long, was shown to the fans who went to this event. From what we’ve heard, it’s a pretty awesome trailer. We’ve included some detailed descriptions after the jump. WHAT WE DON’T KNOW: We really have no idea what this accomplished in the ARG world. The only thing handed out was t-shirts, and so far no reports of hidden messages on the shirts have come about. A lot of viral fans are asking “that was it?” and “now what?”. More after the jump.I speculated on Thursday that the event would lead to an online release of the trailer being shown at the event, and while that still is a possibility, it may not happen as soon as I thought. Many of us believed this event would be run by 42 Entertainment (the company behind the campaign, and famously behind other campaigns like “The Dark Knight“) rather than Disney, but from what we’ve heard it happened the other way around. A lot of the members at Unfiction forums have described their event as “loved the trailer, but not the event.”We here at MovieViral will keep our eyes open for new clues that may lead to the new trailer, which no doubt will appear online sometime this week. Here’s some descriptions of the trailer and event:From Collider: The good news is the trailer is awesome and a great introduction to the sequel to Tron. If you thought the test footage that’s been online for two years was cool, you’re going to lose your mind watching this awesome 3D trailer. The world of Tron looks like the first film mixed with The Matrix…and it’s awesome. Click here for the entire description. From thebruce: I seriously think there’s going to be a lot of backlash about this. In the Toronto show at least, there was nothing connecting the screening to the marketing campaign, except for getting the tshirt swag, and general consensus of the crowd leaving was WTF?! That’s it?! People were chuckling because one guy bought a huge jug of popcorn.I’m generally pretty forgiving, but I can definitely understand the sentiments of failure for this event. I mean, even if there was at least SOME connection to or a mystery or hint or something to get all these non-players involved and following, it would have merit to be considered a MUCH bigger success. Click here for the entire description. From io9: Downstairs, I talked to two fans, Tehnakki and Waterborn, who had come from Boston for the screening. It seemed fitting with the theme of the day that they went by their online handles. Tehnakki had on a great Flynn’s Arcade shirt and had enjoyed the trailer, but was somewhat disappointed. None of the footage had been new to them, they said, and felt recycled and repackaged from past Con presentations. Still, were they excited for the new movie? Incredibly so — they had stopped to take pictures by the poster in the lobby. Everyone left talking about Trons old and new amidst the grumblings that we hadn’t seen more of the film, which was what the studio wanted from us in the first place. Two decades in, Tron and its offspring’s virtual world remains a cyberdream. Click here for the entire description. We’ll keep you updated as this plays out. Hopefully we get a trailer sooner rather than later.UPDATE 6:15PM: A quick reaction from Alex at “LA Tron event had a Q&A with the director and Steve Lisberger. Oh and we got to see the trailer twice. NYC Audience Fail!”What did you think of the trailer if you attended? Are you hoping to see a trailer online today? Leave a comment below! Viral Marketing 42 EntertainmentFlynn LivesimaxTron Legacy
Find Out If You Are Expendable June 19, 2010The consensus among most moviegoers is that the summer season thus far has been a bit of a dud. Already halfway through June, few high profile films have caught and maintained the attention of the public. Studios are mobilizing their marketing campaigns around the remaining releases this summer in hopes… Read More
‘RoboCop’ Viral Site Teases How OmniCorp Can Change American Justice December 9, 2013December 9, 2013Briefly: If the future is now, then OmniCorp has got it under control. The viral site that promotes the upcoming remake of the Paul Verhoeven, doesn’t really lose sight of the atrocities that plague our society, yet Jose Padilha‘s version looks very tame. But tonight at 9pm/8pm PST, the OmniCorp… Read More
A Shortened ‘Avengers’ Teaser Assembles On Yahoo! July 29, 2011In a surprising move, Paramount has released a condensed version of the final scene from Captain America: The First Avenger, along with a shortened cut of The Avengers teaser trailer that was shown following Captain America’s credits. While bootleg versions of the teaser have been circulating the net for a… Read More
I definitely think as an event, it pretty much failed. After the momentum the and sites recently created, we were expecting much more.If there are any leads to continue the ARG, I believe it will be in the text shown within the trailer (when Hedlund wipes the dust from the screen), but that can’t really be followed up on until the online release.Aside from all of this, the trailer was AMAZING, and it was exciting to see the fantastic tone they’ve created for this world. It was wonderful to see Bruce Boxleitner playing an integral role, and Olivia Wilde is devestatingly hot.I see they avoided showing Clu for too long. He didn’t speak, he didn’t move much… but from what we saw of him, he looked very believable. You’d swear a 30 year old Jeff Bridges was standing there.All in all, I’m quite satisfied. My shirt is cool! Haha
Hey CluLives, I read the ARG thread on Tron-Sector and I heard you were going to the toronto show, where were you sitting?
Oh come on, a failure? Get out of here, you guys are ridiculous. This was the FIRST big viral event for a movie that is 10 months away from release. And we haven’t seen ANY footage from it yet (give or take one scene at Comic-Con), so what did you expect? If you thought you were going to see anything MORE than just a trailer, it’s your own fault for building up huge expectations.I think the event was a basic success. It got fans into a 3D theater to see the trailer (they way it should be seen) and built up more hype for the trailer. There is a LOT more that will come. They have 10 months to do all kinds of cool virals and LOT more events (where they’ll show more than just a trailer). It’s not like this was the last viral event for Tron Legacy ever, it was the first one, there is plenty more to go.It’s just crazy that anyone thinks this was failure! Give it time, this is only the beginning of a very big viral!
I’d basically agree with you, Alex, but I think it would’ve been nice for them to say it was going to be just a trailer. And let’s not forget you guys at LA got a little bit more, and you saw it twice.From what I’ve gotten everyone loved the trailer but was angry at the event. AICN had a nice round up of feedback, all of them saying basically the same thing. any case, like you said, this viral isn’t close to being over, so for those folks who are disappointed, they’ll have months of fun games to make up for it.
I only say it’s a failure in the sense that you had to do a lot of work with only a small payoff. Only a few people got tickets in just a few locations, yet people from all over the world had to do work to get it. Also, it was just a trailer for all that work, unless you were lucky enough to live in the LA area and get those tickets.