Saturday Night Live Takes on We Are The World, Undercover Boss, and Olympics Dan Koelsch, February 28, 2010 Last night, Jennifer Lopez hosted and performed on Saturday Night Live, and she did a pretty good job in my opinion (at least as host). The show parodied the new “We Are the World” song by bringing awareness to how bad the song is. We also got a couple hilarious skits on the Olympics, as well as “Undercover Celebrity Boss”. Check out these videos after the jump. Go to to check out the rest of the clips from last night’s show. Viral Marketing Jennifer LopezNBCOlympicsSaturday Night LiveSNLUndercover BossWe Are The World
Comic Book Review: “Man of Steel Prequel #1” May 21, 2013May 21, 2013Warner Bros.’ Superman reboot Man of Steel is less than a month away, and much of the plot is still a mystery. Fortunately, DC has made available to Walmart advance ticket holders a prequel comic that gives a bit of insight to the film. For those who didn’t buy their… Read More
“Elevator Murder Experiment” Viral Video Promotes “Dead Man Down” March 4, 2013October 7, 2013What would you do if you walked into a murder in progress? Our second prank video of the past week asks that very question by staging a murder attempt in a New York City elevator. The video was made to promote this weekend’s theatrical release of Dead Man Down, a… Read More
You Can Get George A. Romero a Well Deserved Star October 2, 2012October 2, 2012It’s October. The simple fact of the matter for movie buffs is that October brings one thing. No, not love stories of corduroy fashions and multibuttoned sweaters with acorns and leaves. It brings us horror. This is the month of Halloween. No other month has such a dedication to respect… Read More