Stan Lee’s Oscar Campaign Craig Skinner, March 7, 2010March 7, 2010 There are currently a lot of categories in the Oscars and I suspect that a lot of the votes are pretty random rather than seriously considered. Do the Academy members actually watch all the short films? Do the Academy voters all know the difference between Sound Editing and Sound Mixing? I doubt it. I tend to speculate each year about whether they’ll add even more new categories and what they might be. Dustin Hoffman’s character in Wag the Dog laments the absence of an Oscar for Best Producer and I would actually like to see Stunt work included in the Oscars. Probably more likely for new Oscar categories are best use of CGI or perhaps even 3D. Stan Lee though, in the amusing clip embedded below, is proposing a category for Best Cameo Artist. As you can see in the clip, Lee has cameoed in quite a few Marvel films and he was also seen recently on Television in The Big Bang Theory. The video is pretty funny and worth checking out. Although clearly not serious it did get me thinking, what are the best cameos I’ve seen in films. My personal favourites in the Marvel films, for instance, aren’t Stan Lee but actually Bruce Campbell in the Spiderman films.Enjoy the clip and let us know what your favourite cameos are in the comments below.Stan Lee’s Oscar Campaign from Stan Lee(Picture courtesy of Sci Fi Scoop) News Academy AwardsMarvelViral video
Apollo 18: Big Announcement Tomorrow and Decoder Game Continues February 16, 2011February 17, 2011We haven’t heard much in the past few weeks from Apollo 18, but now we may know why. Also, the film’s Twitter page has been aflutter with a contest that can give you some cool moon-based (no pun intended) prizes. Get the details after the break. Read More
Apps Short Film Site Creates Mobile App Called Storypod Short Films August 28, 2013The short film social cinema site, Blinkamovie, now has a mobile extension of it’s online content. Find out more about the site and what its mobile app offers after the break. Read More
The Buzz: The Avengers, Blade Runner Sequel, and Posters May 18, 2012The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here. Read More