Viral Video: LOST, Baywatch Style Dan Koelsch, March 11, 2010March 11, 2010 One of my favorite LOST fan videos is one posted on CollegeHumor years ago that theorized how LOST’s unique intro could be changed to include theme song and everything. Fortunately, someone else has put their own spin on the LOST intro, testing out how it would look if it was modeled after the TV show Baywatch. Hilarity ensues. Enjoy the video after the break. Viral Marketing BaywatchLOSTViral video
Create Your Own Movie Recipe From New York Latino Film Festival August 11, 2012The New York International Latino Film Festival, presented by HBO, starts on August 13th, and to promote the event, they have created an interactive “Movie Recipe” where you can create an infographic of various generic action movies. We have a few other versions as well from another website, so check… Read More
Super 8: New Photo Reveals Note and New Website March 8, 2011March 11, 2011Recently the updates to the Super 8 viral campaign have been regarding that Super Bowl TV Spot which has been giving us secret images. Now, however, we have an actual update to our primary viral website that includes a new website (something we haven’t seen in a while). Get the… Read More
If Shakespeare Wrote The Big Lebowski… January 9, 2010February 18, 2011Have you ever wondered what The Big Lebowski would be like if a Shakespeare wrote it? Well, wonder no more, because your wildest dreams are now a reality. Filmmaker Adam Bertocci runs the website Run Leia Run, which usually sticks to creating Star Wars fanfare. Thankfully, he reached outside the… Read More