Viral Video: LOST, Baywatch Style Dan Koelsch, March 11, 2010March 11, 2010 One of my favorite LOST fan videos is one posted on CollegeHumor years ago that theorized how LOST’s unique intro could be changed to include theme song and everything. Fortunately, someone else has put their own spin on the LOST intro, testing out how it would look if it was modeled after the TV show Baywatch. Hilarity ensues. Enjoy the video after the break. Viral Marketing BaywatchLOSTViral video
Special Tron-Inspired Covers To Debut For Upcoming Marvel Comics October 19, 2010October 19, 2010While the big Disney/Marvel news this week may have been the official announcement of Disney taking over distribution of Marvel films from Paramount, we are seeing other ways in which Disney’s new ownership of the comics brand is taking effect. Disney is promoting its upcoming Tron Legacy by changing some… Read More
Tron Legacy Site Reveals Cities, But Why? February 19, 2010August 17, 2010Update: The list of cities has been updated to include the missing city and to replace one. As we reported yesterday, the Zero Hour website for Tron Legacy not only has a coded countdown, but also a block of text slowly being revealed. Now we know that the text is… Read More
Encounter “Godzilla” When It Makes Landfall In San Diego! July 10, 2013July 14, 2013Some strange events have been occurring in Japan over the past few hours. A Japanese fishing boat, heading for San Diego, went missing after hitting what is described as a “black iceberg.” A member of the Citizen Weather Watch has reported “deep sea seismic activity” sending giant waves from Tsujido… Read More