New Images From the Tron Legacy Set Nick Butler, March 16, 2010December 3, 2010 /Film had the chance to visit the Tron Legacy set back in June of 2009, and they’ve got some great pictures from the event. The images show a night club in the computer world, and feature Jeff Bridges, who stared in the original Tron some 25+ years ago. /Film also had a chance to interview Jeff Bridges, which you can read here. Check out these awesome photos after the jump.Peter described his experience in great (but limited by Disney) detail, here’s an excerpt from the article.I’m still not quite sure what happened in the action scene that played out, but I knew one thing – it looked cool. And not the fake, manufactured, trying too hard to be cool, but instead — authentically cool. And not only that, I could see it in front of me, without the help of computer generated magic. And better yet, I watched it 3D. Wearing special 3D glasses, I watched playback on the big flat screen monitors on set.Below are a few of the images taken at the Tron Legacy set:You can check out the rest of the photo’s on Follow’s Coverage of Tron Legacy Viral Marketing Flynn LivesSet VisitTron Legacy
New 2012 E-mail: Ambassadors Chosen August 4, 2009I came home tonight to see a new e-mail from Soren Ulfert in my inbox: If you were interested in becoming an Ambassador but weren’t able to, there are still ways for you to help. For one thing, you can spread the word of the IHC’s mission to your friends… Read More
Real Steel: Train Your WRB Robot! August 1, 2011The World Robot Boxing website now has a new feature called “Learning The Ropes”, where you can train the robot that you built. The website is the viral marketing hub for Disney’s Real Steel, set in the near future where robots have taken over the sport of boxing. The WRB… Read More
JibJab Puts You in a Katy Perry Music Video June 30, 2012The concert film Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D opens in theaters on July 5th, and to promote the film, Paramount has teamed up with Jib Jab to let you and your friends be in the “California Girls” music video in the way only JibJab can. Check out the version… Read More
Apparently peoples ENCOM badges are starting to roll in. Here’s the site that uses them: