Kick-Ass: Live Facebook Interview With Director Matthew Vaughn; New iPhone App and Trailer Dan Koelsch, March 20, 2010 The theatrical release of Lionsgate’s Kick-Ass is less than a month away, and all the Internet promotions are starting to pour in. Director Matthew Vaughn is taking part in live interview on Facebook, there’s now an iPhone/iPod Touch App for the film, and we have a few new TV spots and even a new trailer. See all the goodness after the break. First off, next Tuesday (March 23rd) at 9am PST, Vaughn will be answering questions from Facebook users on the Kick-Ass Facebook fan page. You can submit your questions to the wall once you sign up as a fan. Hopefully we may get some glimpses into the potential sequel as well as what the production process was like. Lionsgate has also released an iPhone App called “Kick-A*s: Photobomb“, where you can take a photo from your library or camera roll and spruce it up to look like a superhero. The free App also has the movie’s trailer. Speaking of which, a new 60 second trailer has hit iTunes, and a few TV spots have popped up as well. Check out the trailer below and go to to see the TV spots. Movie Trailers – Movies Blog Kick-Ass opens nationwide April 16th. Viral Marketing AppiTunesKick-Ass
Alice in Wonderland Sends Out Book and Key To Bloggers January 7, 2010November 16, 2010Our friends at Firstshowing got a nice little present in the mail yesterday in the form of an Alice in Wonderland book full of surprises. In fact, there were books inside books (like those Russian dolls), and a USB drive shaped like a 19th century key. Pretty impressive set up,… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Monopoly, Archer, Bear Grylls, Prom, Almighty Thor, and Little Thor April 21, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
“Muppets Most Wanted” Wishes You A Happy Valentine’s Day February 14, 2014This Valentine’s Day may be filled with romantic dinners, chocolate, sparkling alcohol, flowers, and everything else in between. But the Muppets celebrate the most romantic day a little differently. To celebrate Valentine’s Day, as well as promote the upcoming Muppets Most Wanted, Disney has sent us two Valentine’s Day e-cards,… Read More