Sony Picture’s Death At A Funeral Invites You To Make Your Own Eulogy Dan Koelsch, March 24, 2010March 24, 2010 Director Neil LaBute has helmed some pretty strange (Wicker Man) and awful (Lakeview Terrace) films, but next month’s Death at a Funeral seems to be the most ill-conceived of them all. However, this is a star-filled remake of the 2007 British comedy that continues the odd pairing of death and humor, this time focusing a black family. Find out how Sony Pictures is letting you get in on the fun (?) after the jump. When you go to, you can write your own eulogy, Mad Libs style. You pick the gender then switch out words and phrases given to you in a eulogy. Once you’re done, Chris Rock will actually read the eulogy aloud with church music behind him while looking like a Jib Jab video. It’s funny, creepy, and maybe just wrong. Here’s one I made myself: Watch. What do you think of the site and unusual game? Let us know in the comments below. Death at a Funeral opens nationwide on April 16th. Viral Marketing Chris RockDanny GloverDean CraigDeath at a FuneralLuke WilsonMad LibsMartin LawrenceNeil LaButeTracy MorganZoe Saldana
“Fringe” Season Finale Offers “Super 8” Easter Egg May 9, 2011Our friends at Super 8 News caught a nice little easter egg in this past Friday’s season finale of Fringe. During one scene, a print ad for Rocket Poppeteers can be seen on a building. Check it out for yourself at the 0:55 mark in the preview after the break. Read More
“Prometheus” Viral Vid: Meet David, Weyland Industries’ Latest Android April 17, 2012April 17, 2012“What is it about robots that makes them so robotic?” We’ve seen some very exciting reveals from the Weyland Industries Prometheus viral in the past month. First we saw Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland in a TEDTalk from 2023. Then we were able to invest in Weyland Industries and got… Read More
Latest “Apollo 18” Document Shows Intelligent Life Found On Mission March 23, 2011When we last left off with the Apollo 18 viral, it looked like the final preparations for the Apollo 18 mission were in place, and now it seems we have the interesting results of the voyage. Check out the new document image from Cerberus Station 9 after the break. Read More