How the Cloverfield Monster and Everything On Pandora Can’t Exist Dan Koelsch, March 22, 2010 Back when our forum was a Cloverfield forum, one of the biggest discussions after the movie came out was what Clover really was and how it survived in the water. Designer Neville Page said he made the monster biologically accurate, but the guys at aren’t so convinced.
“Baby Killer” Bound To Go Viral, Just Like “You Lie!” Nick Butler, March 21, 2010 Following Sunday night’s health reform vote, Congressman Bart Stupak was speaking to the House when he was interrupted by someone yelling the phrase “baby killer.” Stupak, who is the leader of Pro-Life Democrats, switched his vote from “No” to “Yes” following an agreement with President Obama to ensure that federal…
Viral Video: Gaga In Wonderland Dan Koelsch, March 21, 2010 With Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland tearing up the box office, it’s no surprise we are getting plenty of parody videos taking on the odd film. Moviefone has a few different ones, but the one that caught my eye was the spoof trailer “Gaga in Wonderland” by Black 20 Studios,…
Kick-Ass: Live Facebook Interview With Director Matthew Vaughn; New iPhone App and Trailer Dan Koelsch, March 20, 2010 The theatrical release of Lionsgate’s Kick-Ass is less than a month away, and all the Internet promotions are starting to pour in. Director Matthew Vaughn is taking part in live interview on Facebook, there’s now an iPhone/iPod Touch App for the film, and we have a few new TV spots…
Get Ready for Dr. Horrible The Movie Dan Koelsch, March 20, 2010 One of the few good things to come out of the of 2007 Writers Guild strike was Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog, a three-part Internet series that bypassed the studios and WGA rules. The TV episode-length film went viral and gained millions of fans (including myself). Since its release,…