Viral Video: 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes Dan Koelsch, April 1, 2010November 23, 2010 Back in January, we showed you a video with the 100 cheesiest movie quotes. The video is part of a series on YouTube channel of user “hh edits“, who has movie news site called Pajiba. This week we get another compilation from the video editor titled “160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes”. I think you know what’s in store. Take a look after the break. Viral Marketing Arnold SchwarzeneggerFan MadePajibaquotesViral video
Controversial Documentary “The Upper Footage” Gets Limited Release, Win Tickets! January 29, 2013The Upper Footage is a documentary opening on January 31st in a limited New York City theater run (buy tickets here). As stated by their IndieGogo page, the film is an edited version of 393 minutes of footage recovered from the night of December 28th, 2009 in which a group… Read More
Sherlock Holmes: To know, to dare, to will, to keep silence… August 21, 2009June 6, 2010Yesterday on twitter @wbpictures posted a link to a Sherlock Holmes related viral website. The website displayed a video after typing in the password IRENE, which is the name of one of the characters. Evidently the words spoken are a direct quote from a book by Éliphas Lévi called Transcendental… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Update On Louisiana Forest Monster: Possibly Viral For “Resistance 3″? December 13, 2010December 13, 2010Yesterday morning we brought you the story of the Louisiana Forest Monster and how one of the theories behind it is that it’s somehow part of the Super 8 viral and is actually the monster from the J.J. Abrams film. I was pretty skeptical about it, and now I have… Read More
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