Tron Legacy Sequel Already In Production Dan Koelsch, April 7, 2010June 6, 2010 A lot of people are excited for Tron Legacy to come out in December, especially with the intricate viral campaign that is already going on. Both fans of the original Tron and new fans introduced to the film via the Internet or DVD are anticipating the movie’s release. We are still months away from seeing any real footage that could indicate whether this sequel will be any good, but Disney is already gearing up for a sequel to the sequel. Find out more after the break. Although we are still eight months away from the film opening in theaters, Heat Vision Blog (part of The Hollywood Reporter) is reporting that Disney, the film’s production studio, has Legacy writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (who also work on Disney-owned ABC’s LOST) writing a sequel. Right now there are no other details known. While it may sound strange and rare (and it is) to start writing a sequel over half a year before a film is out, there have been some signs that this might happen. First, there has been the extremely successful viral campaign. It’s almost like a test run to see if people are excited for the film, and so far it has passed with flying colors, with ARG players, blogs, and regular film fans alike clawing their way into the events and games 42 Entertainment has set up for Legacy. If there was any doubt that people want to see more of the world of Tron, the viral and the Comic-Con test footage should put that to rest. Second, there were the rumors last month that Disney was looking to turn the new Tron into a trilogy. If that is the case, they may have wanted to get a head start, knowing the audience was there. The possibility of the film becoming a flop is low, especially with the increased prices for 3D tickets. However, if Legacy’s budget is as big as rumored, a good turnout may not be enough. What do you think? Is Disney counting their chickens before they hatch? News Viral Marketing LOSTTron Legacy
HBO Brings the 1920’s Back with “Boardwalk Empire” Themed Train September 9, 2011I have not seen Boardwalk Empire, but I know many who have, and they all contend that it was one of the best shows on television last year. Such widespread praise has generated some substantial hype for the show’s second season, which is scheduled to premiere September 25th on HBO…. Read More
‘Star Wars Rebels’ “Spark Of Rebellion” Trailer September 22, 2014September 22, 2014Just a few weeks before Star Wars Rebels makes its premiere on Disney XD, the marketing team has unveiled a brand new trailer for the made for TV movie, which will be followed by the series itself. Hit the jump to check it out. Read More
Get a Free Early Screening To “Paul” If Your Name is Paul (and you live in the UK) February 2, 2011February 2, 2011Those Brits across the pond already have it good by getting to see Universal’s alien comedy Paul a full month before theaters get it in the States. Now HeyUGuys blog has a contest where Britons can see it even earlier if their name is Paul. Get the details after the… Read More