Toy Story’s Pizza Planet Hiring Drivers Dan Koelsch, April 8, 2010April 8, 2010 You may remember about a week ago we reported on Disney and Pixar setting up college screenings for the first 2/3 of Toy Story 3. Well, now they’ve got an interesting way of advertising for it that might actually make some people upset. Riverfront Times got their hands on a photo of flyer being passed around college campuses. The take-one flyers, similar to those promoting House of the Devil, have Pizza Planet, the restaurant featured in the Toy Story series, looking for new drivers. The take-aways have a link to a website, which is specific to each campus. For instance, is for Washington University. However, the links actually take you to a Facebook page that lets you sign up for a screening at said campus. While this is a cool marketing tool, it should be noted that Pizza Planet really exists. Both Disney theme parks have the restuarant, so if you were really looking for a job (and in this economy, that’s a high percentage of people), you’d be pretty miffed. Viral Marketing DisneyDisneylandPixarThe House of the DevilToy StoryToy Story 3
New Age-Restricted District 9 Clip August 10, 2009August 10, 2009FEARNet has posted a new clip from District 9, originally from MySpace. Check it out below: Looks like Wikus has really gotten himself in a tough spot. That gun is pretty damn cool. What do you think of the clip? Talk about it in our forum. District 9, based on… Read More
Iamamiwhoami Viral Possibly Solved Thanks to New Video March 16, 2010We’ve been trying to keep you all updated on the disturbing viral campaign known as “Iamamiwhoami” that seems to be a for a musician, and now we have a new development that may answer at least some of the questions we have. After a new video posted this weekend gave… Read More
Real Steel: The Underworld Hacks WRB Website, Shows Us Awesome Robot Street Fights September 9, 2011September 9, 2011Earlier this week, Disney sent out press kits for their upcoming robot boxing movie Real Steel, starring Hugh Jackman. These press kits had a note in them from a group called The Underworld, which turns out to be part of the viral campaign the film has been running. As the… Read More