GKNOVA6: “Classified Announcement SOMD” – New Code! Nick Butler, April 9, 2010April 10, 2010 We posted an article a little earlier about the second transmission that appeared on GKNOVA6.com. The new video included a code that has since been deciphered as “Classified Announcement Sold,” however a commenter pointed out in our article it may very well be “Classified Announcement SOMD.” We have that classified announcement after the break.The commenter, Justin, points out that we actually had the wrong answer to the code – off by one letter. Instead of “Sold” it’s “Somd”. That lead him to SOMD.com, a website for Southern Maryland (which is where the packages were sent from, coincidentally), basically used for local news, event planning and so on. The announcement was within this site. If you go to the site, click “Classifieds” > “Announcements” > “PSAs” > And then you’ll find it.The classified announcement reads:NOVA Posted by: Eve Reign on Friday, 9 April 2010, at 3:20 p.m.LWLXRMSYWN.GVVOXXPXBVOKTPXAVSFTMBK -AONTHLRDOF.DHXSWEJHCQSQFWTCZUBCAMLWLXRMSYWN.LRDOFUINENYMGNPBMSYWNHAM, -YFTTXEWPGJL.XVORLUINEASPTCZUBJWGILVFLWLXRBGG.CCGRNYMGNAEMOWXAAGMSYWNGVVO, -GCYSRZYKXR.YBCBGCYGVVOXDOKSWEJUINELWLXRMSYWN.XVORLCCGRAONTHLVFCWKYG, -FMFWCMXIMX.RTLHGPBWTMBKNSNTZBIMXXPXSQFW.HYORVPAKYHAMCAMMBKAONTH, MUZOWHYORV.CAMIGRAONTHLRDOFHYORVOAVBMYou can find me at the Cheeping River. It’s near the Cheering Viper.It still hasn’t been cracked – why Justin turned to us – so get working! We’ll be posting updates on this article as the come in, and make sure you follow me on twitter for the latest.UPDATE 10:05PM: MrToasty deciphered the code using the key “sputnik”:THREEEIGHT.NINEFIVEONESEVENNINESIX -SEVENSEVEN.ONEFOURSIXFIVEEIGHTSIXTHREEEIGHT.SEVENFOURFOURTWOEIGHTONE, -ONEZEROFOUR.EIGHTFOURSIXEIGHTZEROSIXTHREETWO.NINEFOURTHREEEIGHTEIGHTNINE, -ONEZEROSIX.FOURONENINEFOURFOURFOURTHREEEIGHT.EIGHTNINESEVENSIXSEVEN, -SEVENSEVEN.ZEROTHREESIXFIVEFIVEFIVEFIVE.SEVENFIVEONESIXSIXSEVEN, THREESEVEN.SIXONESEVENSEVENSEVENEIGHTSo, that’s: 38.951796, -77.146586 – CIA Headquarters 38.744281, -104.846806 – NORAD 32.943889, -106.419444 – White Sands (Missile Complex) 38.89767, -77.03655 – White House 55.751667, 37.617778 – Ivanovskaya ploshchad, Russian FederationUPDATE: While reviewing my site’s referrers (people who’ve linked to MovieViral.com) I found an interesting link. I should point out I remember seeing it BEFORE we had this code, but thought nothing of it at the time (assumed it was a college website). My guess is that the site, SOMD, was contacted before had inquiring whether or not they (marketers) could use the site for a code. My best guess is they included a link to my article comparing what games this campaign may be for in that inquiry. Here’s the link that referred to MovieViral.com: http://help.somd.com/admin/main.php?action=view_ticket&id=55719-7009040544. Here’s how they submitted the help ticket. Viral Marketing Call of DutyGKNOVA6Singularity
Nokia Creates Interactive 3D Map of Gotham City July 8, 2012It’s the map we deserve, but not the one we need, or something. Nokia has partnered with The Dark Knight Rises to bring us a 3D map of Gotham City using Nokia Maps. Find out more, including how you can win prizes, after the break. Read More
Viral In-Depth: Iron Man 2 July 31, 2009June 6, 2010As you may have heard from our Comic-Con podcast, or more likely from our forum, Iron Man 2 kick started their viral campaign during Comic-Con weekend. Here’s a more in-depth look at all the viral so far. The viral for Iron Man 2 has so far centered around Stark Industries,… Read More
“The Grand Budapest Hotel” Viral Marketing Campaign Launches Zubrowka Film Commission Website February 5, 2014February 5, 2014Last week, we posted an article about the newly launched viral marketing campaign for Wes Anderson‘s The Grand Budapest Hotel. AkademieZubrowka website offered an exclusive look at where the film is set and some of the props that are going to be used in the film. Now a new site,… Read More
Ok,so my colleagues and I have been doing some research and there is a Viper Allstar Cheerleading squad in Maryland. Cheering Viper. North of the the viper allstar facility is John F kennedy memorial hwy. South of the facility is Bird River. Cheeping River. Whats the connection though?
And Bryan’s post gets me to thinking, every time they want us to know what type of Cipher it is, the clue comes before the code; such as Eve Reign being the anagram for Vigenere, easy enough right? So Cheeping River and Cheering Viper are both anagrams again for Vigenere Cipher but the why the hell would they a.) give us the clue to the type of cipher three freakin times and b.) give us the clue before and after the code itself? All of these are completely uncharacteristic of the patterns they’ve been using so the interesting points Bryan has found seem like too much of a coincidence…
Found some more clues!!! I posted earlier about the possible connection to the viper cheerlading squad, bird river, and jfk memorial hwy. if you want to check it out go here http://viperallstars.com/ scroll down and there is a link to a map of the facility. anyways…while browsing somd.com I came across a link for Ray of Light Preschool enrollment. This reminded me of the site a found a few days earlier. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/N/Nova_Persei_1901.html Once at the website of Ray of Light, I found this on the April newsletter…This month our theme is going to be PLANTS. We will talk about how plants grow, how many different kinds there are, where they come from, and what they need to survive. We will also be planting our own plants, on Thursday, April 15th. I ask that you provide your child with a packet of seeds of their choice, and a pot, and we will provide the soil. We will keep the plants at the preschool and watch them grow over the next month.The color of the month is PURPLE. We will be combining our Purple Day and Show-n-Tell day. For Show-n-Tell, bring in something purple to share with the class. If possible, your child can wear something purple, and bring a purple snack.Could that be a refernce to the PURPLE HELL?
AND, to Bryan’s point; “Ray of Light”? I’ve been looking for a connection to “You can see the whole spectrum”, which is uttered nearly inaudibly at the end of the current transmission on gknova6.com…..
SAMUELOFR247,Perhaps you will find this interesting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full-spectrum_lightThis is a great connection to the PLANT aspect of the April newsletter
Great Stuff Bryan!Ok, the transmission at gknova6.com has changed slightly. The first change I noticed once the second “channel” came about and that was “Hell is Purple” was no longer spoken on the first channel at that point. Now, just after “You can see the whole spectrum” is spoken the noises are completely different. Before today just after “You can see the whole spectrum” it sounded like the was taking a deep breath through pursed lips, sort of like a loud hissing sound. Now after it’s spoken it’s a series of super high pitched signals that almost hurt if you listen to them loud enough. Someone needs to put these recordings through some high-tech audio filters. Maybe then we’ll discover some relevance…
One thing I still havent figured out is the baseball theme. Have you noticed on both transmissions you can hear what sounds like a baseball bat hitting a ball after the weird tune at the beginning. Maybe this is just a symbol for america.
Well, just like I’ve been saying in the unfiction forums; all the people who are super good at this stuff give up after the big obvious codes are cracked and all the while I think the connections between the less obvious are where the answers lie. ‘Cause seriously, where the hell are the big obvious codes leading us right now? No on has any idea…What connection can you make between “April Week Two”, the CIA hdqtrs, the White House and so on? Especially if there’s only a handful us attempting to read between the lines. I guarantee this thing will drag out for quite a while, even now there’s speculation that the 3rd channel on gknova6 won’t come about until 4-20. And at that point all the obvious stuff it presents will keep leading everyone in circles, that’s my guess at least. And whoever’s creating this is WAY too smart to have created a simple waiting game, they’ve created something deeper than the codes we’ve cracked every few days while we twiddle our thumbs in the meantime. If this is truly an ARG, from my experience, then shouldn’t there be some more interaction than simply surfing the web for quotes, downloading applets to crack codes and watching a website for updates? Don’t ARG’s usually involve some sort of coded instruction that gets people moving towards actual physical easter eggs at specific geographical locations; like the payphone calls or whatever from Ilovebees?I think this thing was way too planned out to just hand us the answers…..
ive been looking at other forums and it seems we are the only ones who are heading in this direction. everyone is rearranging the words from cheering viper and cheeping river but thats not geeting anywhere I think. More research needs to be done on bird river I think…
what if the coordinate sites were anagrams for something else or they each had something in common that we were supposed to use? there was a city (Waterbury, CT) that i had found where JFK had given a speech, on “the green” (this was on the EVE of the election day- eve reign?). Waterbury had a large role in WWII. The factories were converted to make ammo and was considered a strategic bombing target for the Germans. one school is named after JFK. Water can show the full range of the light spectrum (rainbows and such).
I just want you all to know that SOMD stands for: Space Operations Mission Directorate, and I have figured from wikipedia (link here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Race) this has to do with the space race. That is my shot in the dark, if i am wrong oh well. And if I had a guess at what game this was involving, I would have to say ITS NOT COD7 🙁 but a diffrent game.
@vash i can see where your going, but Activision just had a lawsuit with Infinity Ward because IW wanted to make a new franchise but Activision didn’t, so I don’t think that its going to be another series.
Where did this http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/GKNOVA6 come from? This COD “wiki” site states…. “During the website sounds can be heard saying ‘Nova Six’ and ‘1969’. In Morse code the letters ‘CoD7’ can be heard.”Since when did anyone discover that there’s audio morse code spelling out “COD7”? Wtf?
I knew about the lawsuit, its just that this in my opinion may point to a space game, or somthing along those lines and for all we know it could be a brand new game and not a addition to a series
I really dont think this is for COD7 because people have been talking about COD7 Black OPS for a while now, (SINCE OCTOBER THAT I KNOW OF) and when i clicked on @SamuelofRs47’s link I saw COD7 Vietnam, here is the link i know of: http://www.mapmodnews.com/article.php?story=More-Call-of-Duty-7-Details-Revealed I could be wrong, but my question is why would somebody go to all this trouble to relese information that has been public news for a while.