Viral Video for Toy Story 3 Discovered Dan Koelsch, April 26, 2010April 26, 2010 It looks like the guys behind Toy Story 3 aren’t happy just riding the franchise’s existing popularity to the bank. Pixar has been doing some interesting marketing for the film, and that looks to be continuing with a viral video that shows a 1983 commercial for the “Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear”, which is the kind of toy new character Lotso is in Toy Story 3. Check out the video after the break. The commercial is pitch perfect, from its VHS appearance to its 1980s style and jingle. When they release a real version of Lotso (which it looks like they will), I wonder if they’ll use this at all. It almost makes me want one! Toy Story 3 opens nationwide June 18th. Source: Slashfilm Viral Marketing LotsoToy StoryToy Story 3Viral video
Play The Game From “Wreck-It Ralph” Online June 9, 2012Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph made quite the splash this week when its trailer debuted online. The animated film tells the story of the title character who is the villain in the (fictional) classic arcade video game Fix-It Felix Jr. However, he’s tired of being the bad guy and goes to other… Read More
Google And Paramount Pictures Team Up To Promote Christopher Nolan’s ‘Interstellar’ October 6, 2014A lot of movie-based websites offer uninteresting things like character profiles, trailers that you can get off youtube, wallpaper images, etc. Social media has proven to be a more useful tool to help market a film. We’ve seen many successful viral marketing campaigns being carried on on Facebook, Twitter, Vine,… Read More
Viral Site Found For Possible Alien Invasion Film September 2, 2010September 2, 2010FirstShowing has found a website that looks to be part of a larger online promotion for a sci-fi film. Countdowns seem to be the trendy viral thing to do, as the site has a countdown to the displayed date of 10/10/10. With the omnious title “They’re Here”, this could get… Read More