Viral Videos: Iron Man 2 Alternate Takes and Avatar as a Horror Film Dan Koelsch, May 5, 2010May 5, 2010 Today we have two viral videos that focus on the recent films we’ve covered. College Humor takes a humorous look at what the alternate takes would look like of the Iron Man 2 scene where Stark jumps out of the plane. We also have a fan made trailer thanks to The Movie Pool that shows how you can make Avatar look like a horror film. Click the jump to see both videos. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Viral Marketing AvatarFan MadeIron Man 2Viral video
They’re Here: NASA Knows Something September 29, 2010The official They’re Here Twitter points to a YouTube video of someone typing “YOUARENOTALONE@NASA.GOV” into the They’re Here website. The tags for the video include “ufo”, “sci fi movie”, “aliens”, and “flying saucer”. What does NASA know? Maybe we’ll find out on 10/10/10 or sooner. Until then, watch the video… Read More
Sherlockology Counts Down To A Big, Dangerous, and Fun “Sherlock” Reveal Saturday August 1, 2013August 1, 2013The BBC’s hit series Sherlock returns for its third series this Fall in the U.K. (early 2014 here in the U.S.), and fans on both sides of the Pond have been clamoring for any bit of information following the climax of the second series finale which saw the “death” of… Read More
Oscilloscope Releases Portions Of “It’s A Disaster” On Vine February 20, 2013February 20, 2013Vine is the brand new social media platform that allows its users to create 6-second videos and spread it across the web. Think of it as the video version of Twitter. This new form of social media fun uses it’s 6-second videos to differentiate itself from the other social media… Read More