Save Greendale! Caleb Hamilton, December 7, 2011 Last month, it was revealed that Community would be going on an extended hiatus during NBC’s midseason schedule. Fans worried that NBC was canceling the show (it is one of the lowest rated shows on network television) and started a “Save Community” campaign. It seems now the cast of Community has gotten worried about their fate (even though the 22 episodes ordered for this season are going to be produced) and have put together a “Save Greendale” video! Check it out after the break. Due to some unfortunate events, Greendale Community College has to shut down for a few months. So the students and staff put together this little video to highlight all of Greendale’s best features in hopes to garner the public’s support so that they may open again soon.Catch the fall finale of Community this Thursday at 8! Viral Marketing Viral Videos CommunityNBC
Infographic Shows How to Ninja-Proof Your House April 2, 2013We’ve already showed you how to Zombie-proof your house, but how can you protect your home against ninjas? Movoto Real Estate has got it all figured out. Check out the infographic after the break to get some tips. Read More
‘Furious 7’ Trailer: Vin Diesel Doesn’t Need Friends, He’s Got Family November 1, 2014The week long Furious 7 trailer launch marketing campaign has finally come to its epic conclusion. Universal has released various featurettes highlighting what makes the series so fantastic, but now the moment we have all be waiting for has finally arrived. The first trailer for Furious 7. Vin Diesel, Paul… Read More
$300 YouTube Video Lands Filmmaker a $30 Million Movie Deal December 19, 2009December 19, 2009How’s this for the power of the Internet? Federico Alvarez, a Uraguayan filmmaker, posted a video on YouTube in early November titled “Ataque de Panico” (Panic Attack), and within days received a slue of offers from Hollywood studios to make a feature length film. He eventually settled with Ghost House… Read More