NBC Viral: Sites for Parks and Recreation and The Office Dan Koelsch, May 7, 2010May 7, 2010 NBC has been go-to channel for viral for a while now, and it has been mostly focused on its Thursday night comedy line up. Our latest update is no different, as Parks and Recreation sees a new viral link, and The Office has a brand new viral webpage. Check it all out after the break. Last night on Parks and Recreation, Leslie (Amy Poehler) volunteered to host a charity telethon and is given the unappealing 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. shift. If you watched, you may have noticed a link flashing on the screen for the town’s homepage PawneeIndiana.com. While the site itself has been around for awhile, there is now a new page for Pawnee Cares, a donation website for diabetes research that comically doesn’t work. It does, however, link to real organizations, giving a nice humanitarian touch to the sitcom. In last night’s episode of The Office, Michael (Steve Carrell) hired Dwight (Rainn Wilson) to find out if his girlfriend is cheating on him. Fortunately, Dwight is renown private investigator, or so his “Dwight Schrute, P.I.” website says. The site has testimonials, overviews of past cases, payment options (Cash, Euros, Barter, Gold, and Diners Club Card), and some of his impressive credentials.He has speed and accuracy; he can shoot a gun with deadly accuracy at 100 yards, he can run 100 meters in under 10 seconds, and can type 150 words per minute. The Office airs Thursdays on NBC at 9/8c, and Parks and Recreation air right before it at 8:30. Viral Marketing NBCParks and RecreationThe Office
Full Super 8 Editing Room Video Revealed June 9, 2011As part of the viral campaign for Super 8, the website S8EditingRoom.com has slowly been revealing a film reel that shows the film’s monster and its technology being tested on. Now the reel is complete, and we get some great details from the spoiler-heavy video, and if you watch Super… Read More
Breaking Bad: Loaded With Viral! March 19, 2010April 7, 2010The critically acclaimed show, Breaking Bad, is just about to enter it’s third season in a couple of days on the AMC network, and the series is filled with all types of viral marketing, it’s been keeping me busy, and hopefully I don’t leave anything out. The show is centered… Read More
Has The ‘Anchorman 2’ Marketing Campaign Given Us Too Much Ron Burgundy? December 6, 2013December 6, 2013Remember that time you hoped against hope for a sequel to Anchorman? You weren’t alone of course; the 2004 film earned cult-like status in the years following its release, leaving legions of fans desperate for more Ron Burgundy. After years of waiting, the sequel is nearly here, and it seems the… Read More